Hello, I just purchased a 60GB PS3. It came with Heavenly Sword. I really enjoyed that game. I am going to buy Warhawk, or Resistance: Fall of Man. Those who have both, which is more fun online?Do both have split screen online? If Warhawkdoes, do you need a headsetfor each person? Thanks in advance.
Resistance doesnt have split screen online or so I have been told. Barely anybody use a headset on warhawk and it isnt really needed to enjoy it. Everyones been saying warhawk is more fun and its a more current Title so i would go with that. You could also look into Graw 2 and Rainbow 6 Vegas.
it is split screen on warhawk and i think it's better than Resistance but thats only my view. Im not sure about the mic thing but other wise it will only show one of the characters talking (the little symbol) above their head.
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