PS3 love time!! Ah, what a great feeling. Well, I'm a guy whose PC was becoming too outdated to run the newer games smoothly. I didn't want to drop two to three thousand bucks on a new PC, and considering even a new graphics card would cost about as much as a next-gen console, I started looking into the consoles. The other reason I wanted to go console is because of the rampant hacking going on with online PC games. The consoles are the last frontier for a pure gaming experience.
I did my research and found the PS3 to have the best features. Free online gameplay, bluetooth connectivity, wireless capability, and Blu-Ray... plus the history of the Playstation in general, like the PS2, which could be said to have the best game library in history. Seriously, if I could have only played either on a PC or PS2, I would have had to choose the PS2 because I have the greatest memories with it. Xenosaga, Kingdom Hearts, MGS2 and 3, FFX, FFX-2 and... still haven't even played the last one they released. Gran Turismo, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, I mean I haven't even played half of the great PS2 games yet. Those kind of games don't happen on a PC. Imagine if the PS3 follows suit with its game library. I do have to say, I really enjoyed Diablo 2 and I wish they'd get D3 onto the PS3 even though we know it's not going to happen.
I did get my PS3, 40gb model, and it reinvigorated my love not only for gaming, but for movies as well. I think plenty of people have watched "300" on an HDMI screen by now. Surprsingly, there are already more games than I have time to play, seeing as how I never even made it into the expansion packs of Oblivion, still have Folklore unfinished, still playing GTA4, beat MGS4 but play MGO, could play COD4 online... but love MGO too much, and then Ninja Gaiden Sigma which is one of the best action games ever. Oh yeah, and it's probably because I spend so many hours playing Super Stardust HD instead of beating the other games. Unfortunately, now that I have played MGS4 I find Resistance to look atrocious (the backgrounds I think look nice, but the main gameplay seems ridiculous now compared to MGS4).
Here's to the future of PS3!!! And yes, I know what you are all thinking... somewhere in the darkest corner of your mind there is that everlasting wish that the FF7 remake would be released. Well, if that ever happens, I know we'll be making our "I love PS3" threads again...
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