My shiny new PS3 is currently hooked up to a 17" (that's not a typo) standard-def TV. I've been playing my PS2 on it for a few years, but I think the PS3 warrants an upgrade. I've got about $400 (CDN)right now, with another $500 after this week's pay day.
I've got a pretty decent 5.1 surround sound setup, but I'm wondering if it's worth it to make the leap to HDTVs. I'm going back to school in September, so the money I have now has to last me at least a few months. I'm going to need some money for games like Heavenly Sword, Orange Box, Pro Evo, etc. so I can't spend it all.
So I figured I would seek out the infinite wisdom of the gamespot forum users to help me make the right decision. It's in a tiny bedroom, so anything really big is pretty much out of the question.
Here are some of my options:
Used 27" SDTV (under $100)
New 20" HD monitor (approx. $250)
Anything else you guys can think of...
Also, what type/size TV do you own and what has been you experience/opinion of it?
Thanks in advance.:)
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