So I goto work this morning and hop on the computer anxiously waiting to see the Killzone 2 trailer because I knew it was presented last night to the world. I find it, and watch it with just amazement and jaw hitting the floor. Friend 1 sitting on the couch playing Tiger Woods on his cell phone goes "Be cool if that was gameplay" I turn around and say "That is gameplay" he responds "Don't believe it, they always ad CG and mix it with gameplay just for the previews" ....this is the same guy that says the Xbox360 is upgradeable, not HDD but he means video card and such. I show friend 2 who is a PS3 fan....all he can say is "I don't like it, any Smackdown vs Raw 08 videos?" Hes a grown man too, ...all I can say to myself is "Ugh...I need some new friends with common interests"
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