Well, I'm pretty much going to buy a PS3 in the coming months, or maybe for Xmas because some games like LBP are way too good to let up and all I have at the moment is a Wii. It's sad, but that's my financial situation. I finally got me some money but I might just wait for Xmas and get a PS3.
I just wanted to know some things, specifically about the PSN.
First, how many games actually support Voice and is it friends only or can anyone talk to anyone?
How often do demos come to the PS Store and how many games do have demos? How similar is it to the frequency and quantity to the demos on the 360? Do downloadable games have demos too?
How reliable is online play? Any severe lags? How laggy is it compared to the 360s online?
Are most games online enabled?
Do Background downloads work when the PS3 is in standby (or off)? Can you see your downloads status off your PSP via remote play?
How is support for the trophies going thus far?
I'm really hoping someone here is nice enough to answer these questions because I really want to know these things and google or any other search engine just isn't gonna cut it for such specific little questions.
Thanks for your help. I hope I can join all of you soon on the PSN.
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