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[QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:otrapper94Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?
lol not like your ranked 1st so....
Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:oash10692
It's just business, kid.
Ok kid hackers ruin games online, If let them get away all the time it will be full of them and you cant play it online.[QUOTE="ash10692"]Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:otrapper94
It's just business, kid.
Ok kid hackers ruin games online, If let them get away all the time it will be full of them and you cant play it online.True dat bro.... CALL 911 lol!
Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:oUnknown_Hero3
lol not like your ranked 1st so....
Well apparentely you don't understand my logic so...There is no use in saying something that would overcome what you said.[QUOTE="ash10692"]Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:otrapper94
It's just business, kid.
Ok kid hackers ruin games online, If let them get away all the time it will be full of them and you cant play it online.are u tryin to point out something????8)
[QUOTE="ash10692"]Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:otrapper94
It's just business, kid.
Ok kid hackers ruin games online, If let them get away all the time it will be full of them and you cant play it online.Point is, there's little you can do about it apart from report him and hope for the best.
OMG I knew someone would say this...Did you read my post? I Knifed my hole team was complaiog that they knifed him and he didn't die. I shot him 3 times with the M40 sniper and once in the head with a M21 he was hacking, dont say I suck I'm lvl 48 on 9th prestige...I don't suck.Maybe he was just good and you suck
You know it's not impossible to go 30-0
[QUOTE="ash10692"]Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:otrapper94
It's just business, kid.
Ok kid hackers ruin games online, If let them get away all the time it will be full of them and you cant play it online.You're being naiive. Fact of the matter is, there is nothing you can do apart from report him and hope for the best.
[QUOTE="-Rinder-"]OMG I knew someone would say this...Did you read my post? I Knifed my hole team was complaiog that they knifed him and he didn't die. I shot him 3 times with the M40 sniper and once in the head with a M21 he was hacking, dont say I suck I'm lvl 48 on 9th prestige...I don't suck.Maybe he was just good and you suck
You know it's not impossible to go 30-0
It doesn't matter about Levels in that game. There could be a Level One and he could kick your a**.
It could be someone who was just born for FPS, or it could be someone who is insanely good and is using an Alt Account.
All of you who are saying "Who gives a crap, who cares" are part of the problem. This type of behavior should not be tolerated. If you need to go 'God Mode' on PSN then apparently you suck at playing games.
If you want to do something about it the right way and be part of the solution, go here.
Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:oash10692
It's just business, kid.
No I called it someone with no life...I hate cheaters....
[QUOTE="ash10692"]Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:oLittleYoshi
It's just business, kid.
No I called it someone with no life...I hate cheaters....
Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:oUnknown_Hero3whats your probelm? you've been trolling all ove the boards lately...
Well sure, you can report him. But chances are, your problem is due to lag. But hacking in COD4 isn't all that hard. Even I know how to do it. Anybody with even minor computer knowledge can do it. That's the problem and partly why I sold it. It's just done on a simple note pad.
But your problem is due to the fact that it's P2P with the crappiest connection on the planet. I've unloaded 3 entire P90 mags point blank range on someone and he didn't even know I was there. There were many others, but that was the worst I've seen. It doesn't matter how good your connection is, it's random hosts and who you're connected to. I've got a great connection for gaming and even I had tons of problems. (all other games were fine)
just have fun playing and stop worrying about reporting everybody that cheats...its not that u find someone cheating everytime...its the first time ive heard of someone hacking on cod4...
Why are people still posting here? Someone already dropped the link to the report thing.zeriva
lol, u just posted too...
whats your probelm? you've been trolling all ove the boards lately...[QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:oamericahellyeah
its unkown hero, the biggest **** in the world. he gives me **** too. he went ape **** cuz we pretty much kicked him out of the LGnD clan because he was an admin that had 5 minutes of activity a week. just ignore him
AS others have said, there is little more recourse than to report them. Outside of that, just move to a different server and know, in your heart, if nothing else, you don't suck so bad at the game that you have to cheat to move up the boards:Pelemental_drago
About 78% of the time, you can't in COD4
[QUOTE="elemental_drago"]AS others have said, there is little more recourse than to report them. Outside of that, just move to a different server and know, in your heart, if nothing else, you don't suck so bad at the game that you have to cheat to move up the boards:PDenji
About 78% of the time, you can't in COD4
Maybe, but I mean more in general. A lot of people take advantage of glitches or simply create their own. Personally, I bought the PC version and haven't really had any problems (a select few here and there, sure, but nothing catastrophic) From the picture this poster paints, this sounds like someone cheating. Missing one hit? Sure it was maybe it was lag, but how many can you "miss" before you gotta call out the wolf in sheeps clothing?
Also, again I meant in general. I've played a few games online, and come (edit: *to know*) cheating is a known issue (if it wasn't, we wouldn't have PunkBuster). All I was trying to say is that play enough and you'll encounter some. When you do, sometimes all you can do is move on to another server, and once again, rejoice in the fact that you don't have to cheat to succeed.
[QUOTE="Denji"][QUOTE="elemental_drago"]AS others have said, there is little more recourse than to report them. Outside of that, just move to a different server and know, in your heart, if nothing else, you don't suck so bad at the game that you have to cheat to move up the boards:Pelemental_drago
About 78% of the time, you can't in COD4
Maybe, but I mean more in general. A lot of people take advantage of glitches or simply create their own. Personally, I bought the PC version and haven't really had any problems (a select few here and there, sure, but nothing catastrophic) From the picture this poster paints, this sounds like someone cheating. Missing one hit? Sure it was maybe it was lag, but how many can you "miss" before you gotta call out the wolf in sheeps clothing?
Also, again I meant in general. I've played a few games online, and come (edit: *to know*) cheating is a known issue (if it wasn't, we wouldn't have PunkBuster). All I was trying to say is that play enough and you'll encounter some. When you do, sometimes all you can do is move on to another server, and once again, rejoice in the fact that you don't have to cheat to succeed.
Well, I would imagine you choose your own servers on the PC version. But the PS3 got the butt end of the stick cause it's all random match making P2P. A lot of people aswell, try to leave those games to find another one and just plopped back into the same one. But yeah, what the TC is talking about is lag. I've checked out the whole cheating on PS3 thing and I don't recall a hack having infin life. The hacks were mostly name altering and knowing where everybody was and a bullet trail. I also think you could walk through walls aswell. It was posted on the net how to do it. So in the PS3 version, you don't really get much of a choice. Also, it isn't a program running here. It's just altering certain files. That's the problem. The files that are exposed to the end user, aren't all that secure. That's more IW's fault.
[QUOTE="elemental_drago"][QUOTE="Denji"][QUOTE="elemental_drago"]AS others have said, there is little more recourse than to report them. Outside of that, just move to a different server and know, in your heart, if nothing else, you don't suck so bad at the game that you have to cheat to move up the boards:PDenji
About 78% of the time, you can't in COD4
Maybe, but I mean more in general. A lot of people take advantage of glitches or simply create their own. Personally, I bought the PC version and haven't really had any problems (a select few here and there, sure, but nothing catastrophic) From the picture this poster paints, this sounds like someone cheating. Missing one hit? Sure it was maybe it was lag, but how many can you "miss" before you gotta call out the wolf in sheeps clothing?
Also, again I meant in general. I've played a few games online, and come (edit: *to know*) cheating is a known issue (if it wasn't, we wouldn't have PunkBuster). All I was trying to say is that play enough and you'll encounter some. When you do, sometimes all you can do is move on to another server, and once again, rejoice in the fact that you don't have to cheat to succeed.
Well, I would imagine you choose your own servers on the PC version. But the PS3 got the butt end of the stick cause it's all random match making P2P. A lot of people aswell, try to leave those games to find another one and just plopped back into the same one. But yeah, what the TC is talking about is lag. I've checked out the whole cheating on PS3 thing and I don't recall a hack having infin life. The hacks were mostly name altering and knowing where everybody was and a bullet trail. I also think you could walk through walls aswell. It was posted on the net how to do it. So in the PS3 version, you don't really get much of a choice. Also, it isn't a program running here. It's just altering certain files. That's the problem. The files that are exposed to the end user, aren't all that secure. That's more IW's fault.
You make a fair point there (also you are correct that in the PC ver you get your choice of servers. Shame it isn't there on the PS3, if not for this reason) Still though, it sounds fishy, but that could be just me. It certainly sounds as though cheating is certainly harder in the scenario presented on the PS3, but I certainly wouldn't sell short the lengths some people are willing to go to (I used to be a tech at a high school and they never ceased to impress me in their methods to circumvent what we had in place.) I'll admit that this certainly could be attributed to cursed lag, but for so many people to experience it, it just sounds fishyt. I gues, in this case, I'd still recommend trying for another server (with your fingers crossed), b/c even at that point, it's not going to be fun, be it lag or cheating.
What do I do, I know he was hacking because he was 30-0 and I kinfed him 3 times and shot him in the head with the M21, Is there a way to report him or something like that?trapper94
[QUOTE="-Rinder-"]OMG I knew someone would say this...Did you read my post? I Knifed my hole team was complaiog that they knifed him and he didn't die. I shot him 3 times with the M40 sniper and once in the head with a M21 he was hacking, dont say I suck I'm lvl 48 on 9th prestige...I don't suck.Maybe he was just good and you suck
You know it's not impossible to go 30-0
just because your a lvl 48 on your 9th prestige doesnt mean your good it just means you have played the game enough to get that far. In order for us to believe that your good is if you put up a link of your Ranking and then we will judge for our selves...
It's not a big deal. If stuff like that happens in games I just leave.T-Machine99
exactly..listen to this guy^
[QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Who gives a crap? You don't get it do you? Why let him be Ranked 1 in world when he dosent deserve it?[QUOTE="trapper94"][QUOTE="Unknown_Hero3"]Report him.....LOL, who gives a crap????:otrapper94
lol not like your ranked 1st so....
Well apparentely you don't understand my logic so...There is no use in saying something that would overcome what you man. give him a break. he is making a valid point.
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