Even though im not much of a fan of the metal gear series as some of my friends is :P
Well anyways im almost finally done beating the game for the first time. pretty close to act 4. & truthfully i like mgs3 better. the gameplay feels a whole lot better imo, i miss how you can rely on your survival instincts in that game. eating any aminal that comes in your way basically , i dont know i just enjoyed mgs3 more maybe im considered crazy :P
well at least im not that guy stating haze is better :lol:
Everyone has an opinion and we must be respectful of that. I am only going to point out some things about MGS3 which make me feel completely opposite of you. In fact, I think MGS3 is the worst control scheme of the entire Series.
Yes, I have played every single MGS game to include the 8 bit versions and PSP.
So here is where MGS3 fallls apart. Think about this......
When you are looking in First Person Perspective mode to aim your gun. YOU CAN'T MOVE. You must get out of First Person Mode to move your character.
When You are running around in 3rd Person mode, you can move but it's hard to aim since there is no really good retickle to go by.
If you are running in 3rd Person Mode with your gun drawn, you have lots of mobility and just about Zero chance of hitting anything.
The Cammo Idea. How stupid is this. Who in the world will be carring enough clothes to open a clothing company to the battle field. The fact that you have to crawl 10 feet and change clothes, then crawl another 10 and change again is not only stupid, but unrealistic.
Eating. Why does Snake eat so much? I mean, when I sit down to play the game. I don't have to stop and eat as often as the character does. So why waste my time with it. I don't remember the last time I watched an action movie and said. "You know, my favorite scene is when the guy stops and eats to regain his energy and heal his wounds"
The Camera does not work. OK. There are two versions of the game Snake Eater and Subsitence. Forgive me if I spelled it wrong. Snake Eater was broken. Why? Because the camera angles do not work for an open environment like the jungle. PERIOD. If you think of all previous MGS games to this one. The environments where in a building for the most part and very tight. This allowed the camera to work just fine. In MGS3 it does not work. So much so that Kojima agreed and attempted to fix it with Subsistence. In many cases you will be crawling and switch to First Person mode only to realize there is somebody right there. 10 feet from you, looking at you with a"!" over their head. It was terrible. Now you have to crawl and change to First Person mode every 5 feet to make sure you can see in the distance where you are crawling too.
Subsistence is an improvement but it also had bugs. The camera felt loose as if it where tacked on as an after fact. Well. IT WAS!!! The other thing that was frustrating is that if you are crawling and get near tall grass, you go into First Person mode without wanting. It was terrible because there could be a guy right next to you and you wish to crawl around or away from him but in high grass the camera angel changed so that you can't see the enemy at all.
This is why MGS3 was terrible. Loved the story and glad I played it in order to keep the series going for me, but I was disappointed in the implementation of the controls.
Kojima learned from this HUGE Mistake and changed it all in MGS4.
MGS4: Camera feels tight and responsive. You can walk around in 3rd person with a good reticle and shoot people with out issues. You can WALK around in First Person and shoot people easily. You can crawl and blend to your environment without changing clothes every ten feet. You can control your camera at all times and always have a clear picture of the action.
Best of all: You can play as a Stealth game, Action Shooter or Stealth/Shooter. YOUR CHOICE. That is realistic.
Now only if we can cut down on the cutscenes and have more ingame story telling, we will be GOLD!
Just my opinion.
Disagree with the last statement on the cutscenes. Dude, people love those long cutscenes and I'm one of them(though I thought the cutscenes in MGS4 weren't that long to be honest. I wanted more). Why scrap out something that many fans love!? Don't fix what's not broken man.
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