@Sonny360Elite said:
@Namgis said:
Entitlement at it's finest. You do know that COD sells millions of units right? I would have been shocked if they didn't offer that bundle. As for the shop, why would they hold on to merchandise? Makes no sense. Why not order online? Since you found tons of consoles available.
It doesn't make sense. Unless if Gamestop and Activision (or whoever is making COD these days) have an agreement to only sell the COD bundles. They will stash away the regular consoles for a set period of time while they only offer this bundle for sale. COD spent a lot for this and they can do it with their enormous following. This is the only reason all the stores are now sold out.
@Sonny360Elite: Maybe you should have bought it a week ago, then. I'm just hearing a lot of whining. Stores aren't designed to keep everything until you want to buy it. They sell to who comes in with money. Apparently other people wanted them more than you.
Chalk it up to the loss and wait for more stock, this time don't make the mistake of waiting so long. These bastards are in demand. Learn your lesson, and move on.
I don't believe that at all. If they had SO many stores in stock all across NJ, how do they suddenly all sell out? I'm not buying it. PS4 doesn't have consoles to supply them with? I'm not buying it.
See above. This is due to an exclusive deal COD has with Gamestop right now. Trying to force that game down every console owners throats.
I can really wait to buy it so it's not that big of a deal. I just know what they're doing and it's disgusting. I didn't have all the credit saved last week so I wasn't going to buy. Was planning on buying it now since I got my new TV and my 360 membership ran out. So now I was ready to buy and had the credit. Too bad COD bundle is releasing this week...I wish I would've known. So I'll just have to wait.
I had a Used "like new" PS4 console ordered from Amazon for $317 total. I was going to keep it but got worried about it and figured it'd be more worth it to spend up to $100 more for a new console from Gamestop.
No. If you think the world is some big conspiracy out to get you, you're in for a rough go of it, and I feel bad for you. They have bundles, and they have stand alone consoles. You're right, not everyone wants Call of Duty "shoved down their throats," that's why they bought the standalone consoles before you did. Now, all they have left are the same bundles that were available when everyone had ps4's a week ago. People bought the standalone consoles. Now they're all gone, and I'm officially withdrawing myself from this thread.
I rarely surrender to my desire to throw out insults, as I try to adhere to more coherent and less childish behavior, but I just can't hold myself back anymore. If you truly think this is what's happening, you are a dumb person. It's absolutely outlandishly stupid to think that a company's pulling back consoles that people want to buy and repackaging them with Call of Duty. It's the ps4. Everybody effing wants one, dude. All those standalone consoles have been purchased by other people, and now they're enjoying them while you whine on the internet about how Gamestop "screwed you over."
I truly hope that you're a child because if you're an adult with this mindset, your life is going to suck, and you're going to be miserable. Seriously, like everybody on this thread is saying -- Get the f*** over it. Seriously. Just get over it. Learn your lesson and buy it earlier next time. Gamestop had consoles, and everybody else who wanted them already bought the one you wanted.
Since I don't enjoy people being unhappy, I'll try and give you a bit of advice, since I used to work at Gamestop before I graduated college and got a big boy job. Go talk to the managers there. They know where they're getting more. They're not supposed to tell people, but if you treat them nicely most of them will tell you. I'm being completely, 100% honest about this. The only time a Gamestop manager gives you the "we'll get them in soon. We don't know" spiel is when you're a douche. Don't be a douche, and they'll most likely tell you when they're getting more.
Seeing how you're reacting to all of this, I doubt you'll actually give that a legitimate shot, and I'm assuming you've probably already royally pissed the people at Gamestop off with your attitude, but again, I don't enjoy people being unhappy, so I'm trying to help you. This is a life lesson, dude, if you're nice and pleasant to deal with, people will help you. Sometimes things just happen. And you don't get everything you want. The sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be.
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