If this has already been suggested, please disregard. I rarely visit the PS3 forums (I have an xbox 360, my brother has the PS3).
I can't help but see these messages all over gamespot and elsewhere saying how MS is doing so well in sales, and Sony is struggling (and the Wii is dominating everything, which just boggles the mind, because it's such a crappy system with such crappy games about dancing and cooking, etc.
A lot of it has to do with the PS3's price which is still way higher than the other consoles. And the main factor is the blueray. It has to be that. And of course Sony has to push the blueray because now that is their future-mainstream medium. And rightly so. But besides games, I can count on one hand how many blueray movies we (not I, we, meaning everyone in the place) have actually seen on my bro's ps3, and I'm gessing that it's the same with a lot of other people who just want the ps3 for gaming. A lot of you want it for movies also, which is great, but not everyone wants it for that, or even for both.
My suggestion is to disable the blueray. Cut the movie playback feature out (but not the games or dvd playback). Now, it will be slightly tricky, but not as hard as it sounds, I don't think. Blueray games and movies have very different formats and structures (and dvd's and bluerays also have very different formats and file structures), so it should be pretty simple to differentiate between the 2. Sony just has to make sure that no blueray movies can be played in the system. And I don't mean some little software patch that will disable it, I mean physical removal of certain hardware, or different hardware in newer systems (that will still allow the games of course). Otherwise some guys will just make a patch removal thing and still play BR movies.
What this means is that now Sony has an excuse/reason to lower the PS3 price to make it VERY competitive, and this would help a lot this holiday season. They could charge around $200 for it, because the other $200 is basically the cost of the BR inside it. Even if it still costs them the same to make it, they still might not be losing as much as you think. If the system can't play blueray movies, then that person who buys it will know that, and eventually down the line they will have to either buy a new PS3 system (not likely) or buy a standalone BR player eventually (more likely) to play those BR movies which will eventually become standard. That means the profit of the BR players is still potentially there for each BR-disabled PS3 and they can make a LOT of people happy by lowering the price. I think this would more than double their sales right away. They could still offer the one that is there for $400 and offer this for people who don't want to watch movies. Heck, they could even offer a $250 one that has PS2 compatibility which would make even more people happy. That would be the cheapest console around, for what it does.
Anyway, just an idea, anyone think it would work?
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