I just got some birthday money and I have no idea what PS3 game to buy. I have looked through Gamestop five times and there is absolutely nothing I can find i want.. sigh
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JRPG/RPG/ but there isn't anything decent out except for Star ocean international.
Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblvion, Mass Effect 2...
JRPG/RPG/ but there isn't anything decent out except for Star ocean international.
I heard its bad. mind trying something else? .... like mass effect for a wrpg or wait for FFXIII-2, because it looks like it will pull an assassin creed 2 :PJRPG/RPG/ but there isn't anything decent out except for Star ocean international.
JRPG/RPG/ but there isn't anything decent out except for Star ocean international.
ES: Oblivion, ME2 (ok, more third person shooter than rpg, but it's very addictive), Two Worlds 2 (I was surprised to find this game doesn't suck like the reviews say it does), Demon's Souls, and Borderlands (fps/rpg hybrid).
Though, you are right, there aren't many good rpgs out this gen. I know others have said Fallout 3, but I found it to get rather boring about 10 hours in. Don't be surprised if this gets locked as a thread and get redirected to the game recommendations thread that is rather confusing to use.
Good luck with your rpg search.
You could try the Recommendation Thread
If you like JRPGs, you should try Final Fantasy (probably 13). I heard the battle system is cool, but I hear a lot of criticism against the characters and the story
JRPG/RPG/ but there isn't anything decent out except for Star ocean international.
Stay away. Stay FAR away from that abomination of a game.
Yes, stay far far away, that game is absolutely TERRIBAD! I almost took it back the same day I got it, ugh what a crap game...
Thanks for the suggestions. I have purchased FF13 and I absolutely hate it. I have played Yakuza 3 but I didn't like it because I am used to Shenmue.. I may pick up Star ocean but aside from that, I don't really know. I am mostly into RPG's but like I said, there really isn't anything that has caught my attention. Tales of Xillia looks pretty good but thats not out.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have purchased FF13 and I absolutely hate it. I have played Yakuza 3 but I didn't like it because I am used to Shenmue.. I may pick up Star ocean but aside from that, I don't really know. I am mostly into RPG's but like I said, there really isn't anything that has caught my attention. Tales of Xillia looks pretty good but thats not out.
You should listen to all these people telling you Star Ocean is terrible, it really is one of the worst JRPG's you'll ever set sight on. You should check out Resonance of Fate, Nier, or even Disgaea 3 (it is a fantastic strategy RPG with a lot of content, and it's cheap). There's a lot out there to be found, just gotta find it!
I would suggest you venture out and try Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, it's a blast and it's also dirt cheap now!
JRPG/RPG/ but there isn't anything decent out except for Star ocean international.
Stay away. Stay FAR away from that abomination of a game.
Yes, stay far far away, that game is absolutely TERRIBAD! I almost took it back the same day I got it, ugh what a crap game...
Looks really good to me. Whats wrong with it? Combat system looks brillilant.
Stay away. Stay FAR away from that abomination of a game.
Yes, stay far far away, that game is absolutely TERRIBAD! I almost took it back the same day I got it, ugh what a crap game...
Looks really good to me. Whats wrong with it? Combat system looks brillilant.
The story is atrocious, the characters will make you want to off yourself in front of friends and family, and the combat is hardly brilliant. It's pretty ho-hum by all accounts, I can't think of a single thing it did well other than make me want to drive the disk back to the store I bought it from. I guess it will come down to personal preference, but a lot of people seem to share my opinion.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have purchased FF13 and I absolutely hate it. I have played Yakuza 3 but I didn't like it because I am used to Shenmue.. I may pick up Star ocean but aside from that, I don't really know. I am mostly into RPG's but like I said, there really isn't anything that has caught my attention. Tales of Xillia looks pretty good but thats not out.
You should listen to all these people telling you Star Ocean is terrible, it really is one of the worst JRPG's you'll ever set sight on. You should check out Resonance of Fate, Nier, or even Disgaea 3 (it is a fantastic strategy RPG with a lot of content, and it's cheap). There's a lot out there to be found, just gotta find it!
I would suggest you venture out and try Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, it's a blast and it's also dirt cheap now!
I played Resonance of Fate but I didn't like it lol. Disgaea 3 looks pretty cool but I haven't played the other ones so I think it'd be strange to just jump into the series from Disgaea 3. Anyway, I like Ratchet and Clank too but I am not a fan of the series. I have played one of them but yeah. xD
fallout new vegas is amazing, i love it. valkyria chronicles is unlike anything out there too. the ps3 has alot of jrpg and rpg games your just being too picky. i also liked resonance of fate alot, they have an action packed battle system.
Yes, stay far far away, that game is absolutely TERRIBAD! I almost took it back the same day I got it, ugh what a crap game...
Looks really good to me. Whats wrong with it? Combat system looks brillilant.
The story is atrocious, the characters will make you want to off yourself in front of friends and family, and the combat is hardly brilliant. It's pretty ho-hum by all accounts, I can't think of a single thing it did well other than make me want to drive the disk back to the store I bought it from. I guess it will come down to personal preference, but a lot of people seem to share my opinion.
What this guy said. The combat starts off alright, but it quickly becomes dull and repetitive.
Everything about the game is awful.
fallout new vegas is amazing, i love it. valkyria chronicles is unlike anything out there too. the ps3 has alot of jrpg and rpg games your just being too picky. i also liked resonance of fate alot, they have an action packed battle system.
This. Need I say more?
Thanks for the suggestions. I have purchased FF13 and I absolutely hate it. I have played Yakuza 3 but I didn't like it because I am used to Shenmue.. I may pick up Star ocean but aside from that, I don't really know. I am mostly into RPG's but like I said, there really isn't anything that has caught my attention. Tales of Xillia looks pretty good but thats not out.
You should listen to all these people telling you Star Ocean is terrible, it really is one of the worst JRPG's you'll ever set sight on. You should check out Resonance of Fate, Nier, or even Disgaea 3 (it is a fantastic strategy RPG with a lot of content, and it's cheap). There's a lot out there to be found, just gotta find it!
I would suggest you venture out and try Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, it's a blast and it's also dirt cheap now!
I played Resonance of Fate but I didn't like it lol. Disgaea 3 looks pretty cool but I haven't played the other ones so I think it'd be strange to just jump into the series from Disgaea 3. Anyway, I like Ratchet and Clank too but I am not a fan of the series. I have played one of them but yeah. xD
Don't listen to all the haters. Look up the gamespot statistic, average score of 31 reviewers is 7.7 and the user votes is on 8.2. The game isn't nearly as bad as people in this game say. Except for the characters and dialogue but the actual gameplay is one of the best this gen with a fun battle system and a rather open map.
as for Disgaea, each Disgaea is a standalone title and truth is that if you had played any other Disgaea game I would've told you to skip Disgaea 3 because they are pretty much the same except for some combat improvements (the story in each 3 plays out pretty much the same). Disgaea 3's combat is great great fun but there is no exploring though so make sure you do check the game up before buying it.
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