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that would be chaos beyond your imagination. rocket launchers, uzi's, flamethower's all over the place it just woudnt work outcoolasj19or woiuld that be exactly what would make it work? That is definatley part of the draw of the GTA games is the CHAOS!
[QUOTE="Koinuboy"]I don't think it'll have online. That'll interfere with their plans for APB.javier954
Wats Apb
APB is a game from Real-Time Worlds, the developer of Crackdown. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Rockstar, it's just from that guy that created GTA who left Rockstar.Â
And no I dont mean online being the main part of the game because I love GTA and its great story online would just be another mode to play.
Im sure the thought has already crossed all of your minds, but Im really excited about the possibility of Rockstar implementing some sort of online multiplayer aspect. Just think: You and your buddies could create a gang and take over territories and hold it off against rival gangs, do drive by shootings and what not. Or even play cops and it would be amazing. If there is no online I would still be happy because GTA is my favorite franchise but adding online would simply kick ass. If you have any ideas post em.BackFlip101
Well they DID have online with GTA 1 and 2Â where it was just the whole city, and it was a death match type of deal (find and kill eachother)
I'd rather have that more than anything in the recent GTAs. Just the entire cities like in single player, but like 4 or more players have to find eachother in this "world" and kill eachother with any means.Â
But but look teh here at GTA SA... Online? it would be awesome if GTAIV had an online mode like the one in this video!
I think GTA being online is good on paper, but I think it would be really difficult to execute. TriangleHardYeah but think about Online CO-OP Crime Spree you share the star meter and if one get's busted you guys are both busted and they could scrore it to like killing a Pedstern gets you 500 points Hijacking a car get's you 200 points Killing a cop gets you 1,000 points, and ETC
Imagine if GTAIV came to the pc with a scenerio creater like Starcraft, Where you could create a dialog have your own statsics custom looks and more... it would be godly.
Well not only that,
Would the game be played in smaller map or actual game map? If the world is that large how well will players be interact with each other? If the game is played in smaller map would the game be any better than other games, because the strength of the game is huge world and open ended gameplay.Â
I think GTA shouldn't bother going online, and start working to become MMO where the strength of GTA would come alive.
to be honest if its online it may be only the 360 versionsupermechakirby
I think I would have to buy a 360 then. But Rockstar wont do that to us. Playstation is the mother of GTA
[QUOTE="supermechakirby"]to be honest if its online it may be only the 360 versionBackFlip101
I think I would have to buy a 360 then. But Rockstar wont do that to us. Playstation is the mother of GTA
Yeah if it wasnt for the Playstation there would have never been a Grand theft autoJust think of the chaos, random cars blowing up, getting shot in the face from out of no where. Just like imagine yourself when your goofing off in a GTA game (you steal cars, shoot stuff up, and drive like a maniac). Then imagine thousands of people doing that. It would lag like crazy, and you would die all the time. And then their will be all the poeple modding the heck out of the game.
but yes it would rock lmao.
But but look teh here at GTA SA... Online? wtf? This is the first time i ever saw that and its true! Im seriously planning on buying this game for my PC just to play it online, Isn't it reduced price now? how much is the pc version?
EDIT: Omg it's only 15 dollars for the pc version i'm going to buy it 2morrow to try out this online thing.Â
i get my butt kicked and mugged enough in real rather not suffer that while playing games aswell.
Although i must say, the thought of actually stealing someones car and to have that car actually belong to another player really sounds tantilising, haha! EAT MY DUST!
ahem... though i do agree with one of the above posters, it would be complete carnage because everyone, everywhere would be playing GTA the way everyone plays killing everything they see, stealing whatevers onscreen, spawning rhino tanks and running over people... Random deaths aplenty
This would have to be a limited online coop thing... At least that would be the coolest online application. Small lobbies with small groups of players. Rockstar could design a coop mode much in the same vein as a standard FPS coop... common objectives, missions that require teamwork etc... You could go around the gameworld and do everything, but in a small gang of up to 4 people.Â
Some sort of MMO thing would not work at all... neither would some sort of Deathmatch or Team Match... in order to retain the GTA feel it would have to be an online coop story mode primarily designed around playing with friends. I suppose they could do this in split screen format, but I don't know if that'll be possible with a gameworld like GTA IV's will be.
I can't believe that no one has thought of this more rash. I mean think of it. What would be the easiest way and arguably the most fun thing they could do with the online. Why can't they just have it as it is in Single player.Â
 Online would be a seperate "game" and your progress would be different than offline, but as you play online you upgrade and you can form 'clan' or what woudl be known as gangs and be able to customize them yourself and have some missions to keep them busy and enable "gang wars" and being able to take over territories and such. i mean just keep it as close to the REAL game as you can. Because you still want it to be 'realistic' because that is why we love GTA as much as we do
The trick would be how would you consistantly keep a characters progress and in touch with his friend because there isn't going to be just ONE world for our WORLD. They have a few tough choices to make. They could make this great or just go through the motions and make it like every other online game. .. which is how it will end up since they sold out and probably dont give a sh*t any more.Â
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