More gameplay .. less cinematics ..
this would make me sad
I think they should add more gameplay and think of some way to meld the gameplay into the cinematic experience. I really enjoyed the cinematics in MGS4, but they really should think of a way of getting that cinematic exeriance through gameplay (not QTE).well think about how cinematic the chase scene was, when you take your aim away it goes to a very cinematic perspective which really worked well.
But lets say we are at the end of act 1, lets say we make that gameplay, snake has to sneak around totally undetected otherwise its fission mailed in that environment, then he has to get to a position where he can shoot ocelet, camera is briefly taken control of to show rat patrol, then when you press the aim button and the recticle is over ocelet's head the nanomachines could go all haywire, and then you are trying to get through the madness closer to snake and then you fall on the ground, then cutscene.
The only real problem with this, its kind of inconsistent going through zones of the game where if you get caught and alert phase happens, but in other aeras its game over instantly.
this is just one example, sometimes its better to have entire cutescenes, but there aren't many arguements that you can make for story telling through a gameplay perspective at least for mgs.
I agree that they need to make more of the story told through gameplay, but you have to agree that there must be some concessions made for consistency throughout the gameplay
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