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I would like to make a Stealth game, simply because I liked the MGS series so much. However, I probably just turn it into a remake of the original MGS for the ps3 and get a law suit from Konami. :P
Well, it would be (prepare for shameless plug) A 2d side scrolling game you would download from either the XBL arcade of the PSstore. The main character, Alien B.0.B is the last remaining "Little blue man" fighting the horde of "Little green men" who destroyed his home planet. B.0.B got into the last remaining blue ship (which happened to be 4 sizes too small for him) to fight back. All the little green men thought there was nothing to worry about anymore in the galaxy except for what to do with their new found territory, and STDs. They melted down all their military parts to help build new housing and such... they didnt know B.0.B was going to come back in full force... The game isnt just a side scrolling shoot though. In the background there is a puzzle game you must play to earn power ups and what not. The puzzle peices scroll right to left and depending on your ships position on screen, the puzzle peice will "drop" in that same "row". So you must watch the puzzle peices and the enemy ships in order to win.... its actually quite fun since you can play either part of the game and you still end up playing the other, so shooter and puzzle fans will have a good time. The other game ideas/stories I have aren't something I wanna share with people exactly since ive spent several months/year thinking and working them out.... One of them has you playing as the 'luck' of a soldier though :)
I guess a little more in depth couldn't hurt on one of my game ideas/stories The current title it goes by between my programmer, artist, and me is "Fox Holes" It takes place during the next large scale war (NOT WW3). The story follows a soldier named Thomas Hasinski, a rookie at war, and barely old enough to shave. He goes by the nick name Brass because of his role as support gunner, and the amount of brass cartridges he drops in a fight.
The game is based off the idea that all soldiers have a certain "luck" that others do not, some would call it guardian angel while others call it chance. Never once in the game do you actually play as Thomas. Instead you play as his Guardian. You have abilities to affect him without actually controlling him. This is done by keeping his "moral" up and his belief in you up. How do you do this? Heres an example
During a battle a small group of civillians runs across the street Thomas is laying heavy gunfire down on for cover. Speed is cut in half, and you have litteraly seconds to think of what you can do. You will be greated with an 'interface' that will let you highlight objects in the surrounding world, and interact with them accordingly to the event. In this case, I would select Thomas' weapon (the m249). Because i choose the right object in the enviroment for the occasion, i can "jam" his gun and cause it to stop firing. Sounds easy enough, right? ... Not so much. What if there was a large group of enemies behind said civillians getting ready to launch and RPG at your position? Do you shoot through the crowd of innocent people and hope nothing happens? Do you shoot through the crowd and hope only a few are hit? Do you do nothing at all in which case the civiliians are hit with the RPG and ALL of them are killed.
Think of the game ICO, but replace the boy with a guardian angel, and the girl with a solder on the battlefield. The focus is to cause an emotional attachment to Thomas, and the surrounding troops. You will be the cause of his suffering, depression, and hatred.... or the cause of his happiness. Up to you. The name comes from the saying "There are no athiests in fox holes" (even though there is no religous biased or basing of the story)
The SAW Movie series. That would be the ultimate game in my opinion. Playing Jugsaw's games and trying to beat the clock. Nothing else can compare.sappersprJugsaw Lol Funny
[QUOTE="sapperspr"]The SAW Movie series. That would be the ultimate game in my opinion. Playing Jugsaw's games and trying to beat the clock. Nothing else can compare.striker_097Jugsaw Lol Funny It sounds like it would be his pr0n name...
*girl wakes up locked in a room*
*the puppet rolls in on the tricycle*
"I want to play a game."
*The puppet puts down a stereo and some cheesy techno starts to play*
A size of Oblivion.....story of God of War or MGS or Final Fantasy. Movements like DMC. You could be a human at first but you'll discover special abilities later on. Be as scary as Fatal Frame. Could became a vampire or a werewold or mix the two. Would be in the past. .....hummm.... I've been thinking about a game for 2 years now. I'm so crazy I have drowings and stuff already about it.......too bad it never will come to life:DÂ Anyways....a man can dream right?
BTW: I don't think that the PS3 or Xbox 360 or any PC today would be even as powerfull as what would like to do in that game:D
This is telling my age, but the used to be a four-part game on the Atari 2600 called Swordquest that I would love to see remade.
The graphics we (severly) lacking, but the storyline was beautifly concieved. If they were to remeke it now, it would still have to be a 4 part game, but you should be able to play 2 players, or alternate characters and have multiple endings based on your paths taken, character(s) played, weapons chosen and who you allied yourself with.
There is an older movie called Death Race 2000
I would make this into a game. Its a race but you also get points for how many people you can run over during the race each which helps your time at each check point. The movie is a great B rate movie and it even has Sly in it.
My other one would be to make a PS3 game of a board game call Blood Bowl, a football/rugby type game played between orc,skeletens,elfs ect loved the board game and think it would make a great Ps3 game...
Jugsaw Lol Funny It sounds like it would be his pr0n name...[QUOTE="striker_097"][QUOTE="sapperspr"]The SAW Movie series. That would be the ultimate game in my opinion. Playing Jugsaw's games and trying to beat the clock. Nothing else can compare.stl_rams28
*girl wakes up locked in a room*
*the puppet rolls in on the tricycle*
"I want to play a game."
*The puppet puts down a stereo and some cheesy techno starts to play*
Man's thats friggin funnywell i've got two ideas for games. I'm not real worried about them being stolen, as i've got them pretty well documented as my own.
My first idea is less of a game design and more of a marketing concept that would blow the whole trilogy concept out of the water.
Has anyone here ever read any of the "Stainless Steel Rat" Books? harry harrison took bond and made him cooler and set him in space. there are almost, if not, a dozen books in the complete series. i was thinking we start off by making a movie about the first book, really get people attached to the character and his charm, then do the second book as a video game, the third as a movie, et cetear, et cetera. harry, if you ever catch wind of this, look me up. i'm ready to make you even more money than what you have now.
if you are thinking "you are crazy", go read the first couple of books in the series and tell me it wouldn't work. [:
Next, and i need some real design people to help me with this one {also, i need for copywright holders to let go just a little for the sake of an epic game.} {see i'm already thinking this is going to be big. [: }
i want the game to start off as pong. i even want it to not fill up the whole screen. {well that will have to be ironed out because of some people not having very big screens} down on the right hand bottom corner will be the "TM" marker {if i need to all the games that are copyrighted can have something like this, but this first chapter will transfer to the second through the "TM" mark.
as a single player {i haven't quite worked out any sort of multi player yet} you will play one round of pong, single player, to the orignal score. after you win, you will progress to the second chapter. {the T and the M will have a conversation to set the tone for the game} the next chapter will be another game, of age. the progression of all this is, you will work through games in a historical manner. eventually the games gain color, then change to update the style and technology. I haven't quite worked out how many different chapters there should be, or what the epic story line will be. {although i'm leaning towards "playing games to keep the fabric of humanity and the universe together" as a sort of story motif}
 as it is worked through i want to see lots of cross over work with lots of memories and gaming moments working together to form the final story. eventually i want it to end with the visual and graphical quality of today's HD era games, but in the end you will see that it all started somewhere and has blossomed into what we know it as today.
 as you can see, this last idea needs alot of details worked out, but i think it could really be something different. it would really show kids who have only experienced games in "high detail 3d" to understand what video games are really all about. [:
well i would make a game like fightclub but only thing fight, thats right, BEARS! and it would take place in , you guessed it, 7/11....a game where you fistfight bears in 7/11....tell me that isnt awesome!!!!! and you can use weapons like babies and 2x4'sArsenal325
i love it. someone should make this game a reality...:DÂ
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