If your PS3 turned around and said to you that it'll only play one game from now on what game would you want it to be?
My choice would have to be Grand Theft Auto 4. With that puppy in my console I could make my own fun and games as I often do :D
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If your PS3 turned around and said to you that it'll only play one game from now on what game would you want it to be?
My choice would have to be Grand Theft Auto 4. With that puppy in my console I could make my own fun and games as I often do :D
I guess it would be White Knight Chronicles because there's a lot to do in that game outside of the main story. Plenty of replay value.
I got that game didn't do any online on it yet still on the sp part i am at the desert part with the bar fight and beat the giant wolf she turned into.
Probably Uncharted 2 but I only own 6 or 7 games. Thats the best one I played so far and I like the online for it. At the part where i just crossed the bridge went further and all them snow bear lookin things are popping up now. Also waiting for Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare to be shipped to me from amazon so maybe that game heard it has a good sp and the online is what makes the game stand out.
I would get another PS3 that isn't broken? (yeah I don't like those threads, but to answer the question: Disgaea 4)
either oblivion or Battlefield BC2 for the online.
However, this question is unfair considering the amount of great games we've yet to play this year, and out of those games I'd probably change my answer to either Deus Ex, Skyrim, or BF3
That PS3 might be worth a lot of money, seeing as it could talk and all... Oh well, I'd probably go with Resistance Fall of Man. Favorite game on my PS3, and although it might get boring, I'll have plenty of older games to play.
Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time is my favorite PS3 game, but if I really could only own one game I guess Uncharted 2 since it's a great game, and I could keep playing online to extend the game.
LOL yeah this too. Just as added incentive, I would set my old 60GB in front of it so it knows I wont be doing without while his replacement is in route LOLI'd remind it that it's still under warranty. :x
probably black ops since the online would keep me playing for a long time. im like 10 prestige right now.
I would get another PS3 that isn't broken? (yeah I don't like those threads, but to answer the question: Disgaea 4)
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