Fangirls are so fickle.
When IGN give RFOM a good review in the 9's i think (and gamespot give it a "poor review" 8.8(or 8.6 i forget) anything over an 8.0 means very good even a 7.5 means it's good to ok, 4.0 means poor) fangirls were claiming IGN was the only "unbiased" "not bribed by MS" site going.
Now a couple of lower reviews later and a wikipedia(a site that can be edited by anyone doe's not count as proof) IGN are now biased towards 360.
The funny thing is IGN have specific teams for certain platforms so the guy's that reviewed the ps3 version are dedicated to ps3 games they only cover ps3 games, and they have a 360 team so 2 different teams reviewed the games.
I personally think Gamespot/IGN and 1 up are the best gaming site's going all there reviews are well written and 90% of the time there review scores are very close to gamerankings average which IMO prove's there reviews are spot on mainly.
Now fangirl's claim reviews by teams such as play(play who scored plenty of crap games high sonic 360 anyone)are the place to go.
IMO/IMO most of IGN/GS and 1UP reviews are very accurate and have well written detailed reviews, for instance heavenly sword was a very good game but it certainly was not a 9.0+ it's not in the same league as GOW or ninja gaiden, HS has excellent combat amazing presentition(forgive my spelling) but it had terrible AI and got quite repetitive with its pacing no exploration or platforming really helps with the pacing of an action/adventure game, If hs had exploration and platforming and much better Ai it could have been one of the best games in the genre, i personally think its got the best combat system but gets repetitive since there's nothing to really break it up.
I have not played skate other than a demo so i cannot comment, and again i think GS review of warhawk is spot on.
Why do reviews mean so much to some ps3 user's, i assume all the fangirls want is a game rated 9.5 to go with the hype they build up for each release so they can head over to system wars and say " na na na na na".
I never even pay great attention to the score i read the text,read previews watch some gameplay vid's and play a demo if possible and make my decision from there.
There's plenty of games that GS/IGN have reviewed 6.0-7.5 that i have throughly enjoyed, i love motorstorm its great but GS review score was right IMO, its a great game with little depth, the bar has risen so much this gen that to get a 9.5 the game has to be something special, and thats the way it should be 9.0-10 should not be handed out like candy.
Reviews are only a gamers opinion, gaming sites reviews are only a profesional reviewers opinion, if you disagree thats your opinion but neither is right or wrong thats why they are opinions.
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