After 2 long years of being away from PS3 and playing xbox I today bought a new ps3 I have a fresh account and looking for online pals.. I pickedup UC2 today and plan to pickup games such as killzone 3, infamous and other ps3 excluives (please reccomend) Im looking for some good online pals.. tbh xbl is full of immature little kids so hopefully I'll find a more mature audience on the ps3... my PSN is SWaG-WaVe 9if you prefer me to add you please leave your tag)
ALSO while im here Im looking for a game I used to play I really cant remember what the title was its a ps3 exclusive it was a TPS and I THINK you played as different monster type creatures... I really cant remember what the game was but it was great online and many players could play at once..
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