For some unknown reason i bought a PSP 3000 Slim/Lite, along with Five games (Castlevania, Soul Calibur, Tekken 6. GTA and God of War) And two memory sticks (2GB & 4GB) So i've invested quite abit of moneyon this little thing. And im really impressed with the console in general, and im shocked i didn't get one sooner. The graphics are awesome, and the games control great, And to top it off you can download games! im currently downloading the original Command & Conquer, Woooo!. Plus tyou can put music and play movies on it! all this PSP needs to do now is make icecream and it would be the best handheld ever :P Normaly im not a Sony guy when it comes to gaming, but the PSP owns! And im a happy customer :)
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