Infamous is a definate, this "prototype" looked bland and lifeless. I saw what I thought was gameplay, just to view the real gameplay which looks like an incredible hulk game. Chances are this game is going to flop hard, and people are going to be hitting their heads.
9 hours of bland gameplay,poor graphics, story doesn't fallow through, cliche-ish story(if you do some digging you'll see why). This game isn't even on my list of "If I had to waste 60 bucks, the things I would waste it on would be _______________.
[spoiler] Nintendo just reuses ideas they had for years. Most of their games/equipement out were failed ideas from the 80's that no gamers wanted to play because they were stupid. Now that the gaming era has gone more mainstream and now is made up of 40% gamers and 60% people who play Petz games, gaming, much like Hip hop, is dying D:. [/spoiler]
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