I bought the import 3 or 4 months ago and spent around 20+ hours playing but lost interest.
First of all, the game is extremely difficult. I mean, it is more difficult than any other action game I have played.
Secondly, I want a strategy guide. That is the reason I haven't played it for a while. There are some confusing levels and I don't like going online every 10 mins. for answers. The more active the US forums get then I imagine it will be easier to understand the game.
The game is fun...I literally stood up and jumped after beating a boss on my 15th or so attempt.
It really rewards good timing.
I mean, if you are careless for one second, then you are dead. I found that I couldn't play in the morning when I was tired because my reaction time was too slow.
I didn't try multi-player much...
Overall, the art/mood/uniquenes of Demon's Souls make it worth checking out. I basically stuck with a melee class (soldier), but there are several classes to choose from.
I'm just looking forward to an Official Strategy Guide in English. I think it would be worth the money.
I would say Demon's Souls reminds me of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, with a little Diablo and a little Oblivion thrown in. However, it's very difficult to compare the game to others because it is pretty unique.
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