out of those I would say AC, but it's full of bugs, stupid AI, it has a sucky story and so on=P But I still love it, and it's impossible for me to say if you will... you might play it for 3 hours and then just give up, or run around doing random stuff for 30-40 hours like I have ;)
Assassin's Creed - They definitely had the right idea and executed things well. It's just that you keep doing the same objectives over and over again which will eventually get repetitive. Replay value is so-so depends if you want to get all flags and kill all the Templars which reap no reward for completing these difficult tasks.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Hard mostly all the way through, you need to be quick with a controller, lasts a good while for it's type of game. But once you complete it, it kind of looses all of it's appeal, so hence, moderately low replay value.
The Orange Box - Never played it
Burnout Paradise - Only played the demo but it's a good sandbox racing game.
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