Just wonder..in some day..is there gonna be an option on the psn store to download games dircetly..I know they're pretty big ..but if you put on download while sleeping and then going on job I'm sure it'll download completely
Probably when broadband speed averages increase and ISPs dont throttle download limits. But i doubt it will happen games will only get bigger Xbox is starting to show struggling with DVDs as they are having to use multiple ones. And PS3s bluray can hold immense amounts I would never wana download MGS4 would take forever. Psone games averaged 500mb PS2 games average 3 or 4 gb Ps3 are averaging 15 or 20 gb It will only go up...
Just wonder..in some day..is there gonna be an option on the psn store to download games dircetly..I know they're pretty big ..but if you put on download while sleeping and then going on job I'm sure it'll download completely
Im sure it may be like that in the future but I dont think its gonna happen anytime soon because the games are so big in space. Like a previous post said, It will only get bigger as we move on into the next gen of games. As for me, I will stay with my disc-based games. I dont have the fastest internet.
Yeah..sad that Ps3 version of steam is just a dream of mine...sometimes I so jealous about you guys...you in europe and usa can get game almostly in every day you want..there in ukraine..I just need to sit and wait when seller from another city calls me that the game there and I can go like for about 200 kms to get the game..oh yeah not to mention that I need to wait a 1-3 weeks after europe release of the game
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