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Never played inFamous but I have played and do own Prototype. Horrible game. Horrible. It is so boring after the first 2 hours.
Here's how I see it: Infamous is the more enjoyable game, with a coherent, interesting storyline. Having said that, Prototype makes you feel more (for want of a better word) powerful as Alex Mercer has all sorts of abilities whereas Cole is restricted to electrical powers.
So Infamous is more fun and satisfying, but Prototype makes you feel more like a superhero ( or super-antihero depending on how you view Alex)
I call shenanigansBoth are horrid horrid horrid games. Infamous .... is by far the most overrated game though.
I like both games. I'm still playing through them as I got them awhile ago. I like Prototype a bit more, Infamous seems a bit buggy to me, at least with the citizens. With Infamous though I like the fact that you can be both good or evil. I'm doing the good run through now, afterwords I'll do the evil run. I don't think it changes the story much. I dislike the targeting in both games. Both games have side missions to do, in Prototype they are more of timed events and Infamous you have good, evil and neutral side missions. However if you do the good side missions the evil ones get locked out and vice versa. There are lots of collectables in both games and lots of free roam if your into that. But I'd still rent both then decide on which one to get if you don't want to get both games. Oh yeah, and Infamous is more of a shooter and Prototype is more of a melee game and there are lots of powers to upgrade in both games.
inFamous is better as a complete, overall game. Both have fun gameplay, but Prototype is more gameplay oriented. It has more variety in terms of how you kill your enemies. So, you might consider Prototype the "funner" game, but inFamous is certainly the "better" game.
This is all my opinion of course.
although i can see y a person would like prototype alot however for me infamous was way better. i beat the game and i loved how freely and quickly u can move about the enviornment my biggest problems were that the story wasnt strong enough for me and the action was more choatic and hecktic then awsome and badass. Infamous had a stronger story with multiple endings and the action felt satisfying and tight. both games are good but if u like crazy battles and crazier moves then ull prolly like prototype more but if u like strong story and tighter more satisfying combat then ull prolly like infamous more.
Oh god, another user who enters a thread to complain about its existence? Just don't click on the thread if it annoys you.Oh god, another this thread?
Yeah Prototype had its problems....but how can you call Infamous horrid, are you lacking a functioning brainBoth are horrid horrid horrid games. Infamous .... is by far the most overrated game though.
I loved infamous, great game.
Still gottah play prototype but all my mates said its really good.
Although i reckon infamous is probably worth buying more than prototype because it just is lol.
I've never played inFAMOUS but I have played Prototype and I think it's brilliant sandbox game, I love climbing to the top of a building and jumping all the way down. I'm not good at describing how things are good but all I can tell you is it's good :p inFAMOUS i do own but never played because I've got ps3 for my bday and not allowed to have it until then, so I personally can't judge inFAMOUS :)What do you think?
I must say, I found Prototype to be severely lacking.
The story was lame - in this day and age, that shouldn't be the case. Who is Alex? Why am I trying to find and talk to these different people? It just felt like an afterthought...like the developers were so proud of Alex's powers and the "open world" (I'll get to that in a minute) that they figured that would be the selling point, and they could tack on a sketchy plot and expect people to just go with it. Hackneyed. That's the word I'm looking for to describe the story.
Yeah, the world was open - big deal! So Alex was powerful, so he could throw cars, so his body was a weapon...so what? What game nowadays doesn't offer one or more of those things, but wrapped in a better package? Didn't anyone else find the world sort of bland? Didn't it seem sort of contrived that you could tear up a whole city block and five seconds later pedestrians were milling about, just going about their daily lives like they're not stepping over corpses every few feet?
How about the fact that they used the Oblivion scheme for the number of character models used? Remember Oblivion? How it seemed like every guy you met had a twin brother a few houses down? Same thing in Prototype. Every time you've got to absorb a general to gain access to a military base, I'm pretty sure it's the same guy!
I don't know about Infamous, but if I can steer someone away from buying Prototype, I've done my good deed for the day. What a waste of money.
I loved InFamous, completed it and put in the hours, seriously great game. Prototype....don't even get me started...Terrible game! IMO.
I just bought Prototype and its pretty bland. Decent, but bland, I'd give it a 7.5.
inFamous is a great game, though overrated in my opinion. The whole good and evil choice thing is an illusion, as the story plays out exactly the same. The only advantage of choosing good or evil over one another is to gain exclusive abilities toward each alignment... it could have been done much better. I'd give it an 8.0, 8.5 tops.
inFamous was a quality game in most areas, but needed alot of work in mission structure and variety. Prototype was an utter travesty of a game that failed on almost every level miserably. A chore to play after the first hour or so. raven_squad
perfectly said - Infamous was really really good but the missions got a little repetitive - but nothing that would make me say its horrible - still love this game - prototype just doesnt interest me
i just bought em both bout a month ago. i still havent opened infamous yet. but i can tell you im already bored and displeased with my purchase of prototype.
WHY? prototype feels like an unfinished game. its good when it starts, but after a cpl missions it loses its appeal. everything (buildings, cars, character models) look the same. the missions are really tedious and repetitive. for instance the first time u get a tank u have to drive slowly and carefully past guard checkpoints LAME! to me its like GTA without a need for a car or gun.
run to this side of the city. complete mission. now run to the other side of the city.
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