Which of these games do you think is better and why?
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im goin with prototype. its deeper and more fun with more replayability. the story is better too. (although infamous has the better ending)
infamous just looks and controls slightly better. imo its one of the weaker exclusives on the ps3.
terrible voice acting in both games...
Prototype got way to chaotic and the tanks are more powerful than Mercer, wth.
Prototype had horrible graphics and confusing story. Traveling the city is cool for 2 seconds then gets old.
InFAMOUS 2 will be one of the greatest exclusives, Im think just has good as Unchatred 2.
Protype's powers and combat felt far superior IMO to Infamous. I played Prototype first, then started Infamous and it felt so slow in comparison because Cole's powers were less ridiculous, but that also made the game a little less fun.
However, I feel that Infamous is a way better game, story and game play wise. Prototype's story was very generic and the graphics looked like a high res PS2 game, and the camera was AWFUL. Infamous had a great story and I actually cared about the characters.
Then again, out of everyone I know, I'm the only one who liked Prototype!
But if I had to pick one, I'd go with Infamous, it feels more complete package.
inFamous most definitely. Awesome powers and city roaming gameplay. The story was killer, especially the ending. Prototype was okay, but the gameplay graphics were last gen or even possibly ps1. Yes, graphics do matter to an extent, just as gameplay does.
inFamous wins hand down. Much better main character, atmosphere and overall gameplay. Attention to detail in inFamous killed too... Cannot wait for the sequel.
inFAMOUS I thought was the better game I really enjoyed the story but I also loved the twist to the end and the comic book style cutscenes. I just hope inFAMOUS 2 has separate main missions for good and bad.
Prototype had a boring storyline Alex might have had some cool powers I got bored of playing it and I didn't like the controls.
Protype's powers and combat felt far superior IMO to Infamous. I played Prototype first, then started Infamous and it felt so slow in comparison because Cole's powers were less ridiculous, but that also made the game a little less fun.
I felt the same way. While playing Prototype, I felt ke a complete bad*** and that it was non-stop fun. I also really liked how more of the story was told through the consume events. I just finished playing Infamous twice, once on good and once bad, and I'd say while it's a more polished game, Prototype was the better game to me. Infamous on good was fairly boring, but the story was at leastdecent. When playing it on evil it was a lot more fun, but then the story sucked as it didn't fit right with Cole's actions.
The other thing I liked about Prototype was that as you progressed through the game and gained more powers, more carnage was released throughout the world and it felt like you were really able to utilize your new powers. In Infamous, if you did the side-missions as you progressed, there was actually less carnage and less difficulty in general as you gained more powers. The power/difficulty scaling was completely reversed from what I think it should have been.
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