This is the first thread of mine that will keep heavy track of every song linked or mentioned via master list. All you have to do is basically post a song (and preferably talk a bit about it) that you found to be a unique track to the gaming world. Or more specifically, the Playstation 3. Of course, what's new and fresh to you may or may not be refreshing to others, so be respectful of that fact.
Master List:
PS1 Titles:
Bloody Roar 2: While you Still Can (Boss Battle with Gado the Lion)
Chrono Cross: Time's Scars
Crash Bandicoot: Main Theme
Final Fantasy VI: Dancing Mad Part 1/Part 2
Final Fantasy VI: Terra's Theme
Final Fantasy VII: One Winged Angel
Final Fantasy VIII: Liberi Fatali
***Metal Gear Solid: The Best is Yet to Come***
Silent Hill 1's Theme
***SkullMonkeys: Lil Bonus Room***
Tenchu: Stealth Assassin: Lord Mei-Oh Battle
PSP Titles:
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core: The Price of Freedom
PS2 Titles:
Ar Tonelico: Opening
Devil May Cry: Theme of Sparda
Devil May Cry 3: Arkham Battle 2
Devil May Cry 3: Virgil Battle 1
***Drakengard/Drag-on-Dragoon: Growing Wings***
Final Fantasy X: Battle Theme
***Final Fantasy X: Otherworld***
***Final Fantasy X: Seymour Battle***
God of War 2: Colossus of Rhodes
ICO: Castle in the Mist
***ICO's You Were There***
Kingdom Hearts 2: Sanctuary (English Version)
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis - Block Pulse of Love
Metal Gear Solid Eminence Symphony Orchestra: Main Themes for Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
***Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater***
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Full Version
Metal Gear Solid 3: Way to Fall
Metal Gear Solid 3: Main Theme (Guitar Version)
Okami: Raising Sun
Persona 3: Iwatodai Bunryou
Persona 3: Mass Destruction
Persona 3: The Battle For Everyone's Souls
***Persona 3 FES: P3 FES***
Persona 4: I'll Face Myself, Boss Battle
Prince of Persia: The Tower of Dawn
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Shadows of the Colossus: The Furthest Land (Reprise)
Shadows of the Colossus: The Opened Way
***Silent Hill 4: Room of Angel***
SSX3: Finished Symphony
***Star Ocean: Till the End of Time: Bitter Dance***
Wild Arms 3: Fate Breaker
Wild Arms 3: Gun Metal Action
Wild Arms 3: Long Days of Rest (Baskar Colony)
***Zone of Enders 2: Beyond the Bounds***
PS3/PSN Titles:
***Alone in the Dark: Who Am I?***
Assassin's Creed: Access The Animus~Chase section
Assassin's Creed 2: Venice Rooftops
Bayonetta: Climax Mix of Fly Me to the Moon.
Bayonetta: Let's Dance, Boys
Bayonetta - One of a Kind
Bioshock: Main Theme
BlazBlue: Ao Iconclast (Opening Theme)
***BlazBlue: Awakening The Chaos (V-13's Theme)***
Call of Duty, World at War: Beauty of Annililation
Call of Duty, World at War: Lullaby for a Dead Man
Call of Duty, World at War: The One
***Dead Space: Lulluby***
Demon's Souls: Maiden Astrea
Demon's Souls: Pentrator
Demon's Souls Tower Knight
Eternal Sonata: Broken Balance
Eternal Sonata: Scrap and Build Ourselves
Final Fantasy XIII: Battle Theme
Final Fantasy XIII Main Theme Song: Kimi Ga Iru Kara
Half Life 2, Episode 2: Last Legs
Heavy Rain: Ethan's Theme
Killzone 2: Main Theme
LittleBigPlanet: Cornman
LittleBigPlanet: Get it Together
***LittleBigPlanet: My Patch***
Metal Gear Solid 4: Father and Son
Metal Gear Solid 4: Gekko Theme
***Metal Gear Solid 4: Love Theme***
***Metal Gear Solid 4 - Octopus Battle***
Metal Gear Solid 4: Old Snake
Mirror's Edge: Still Alive
No More Heroes: The Virgin Child Makes Her Wish Without Feeling Anything
***Portal - Still Alive***
The Darkness: Jenny's Theme
The Orange Box Theme
***Uncharted: Trapped***
Uncharted 2: Cornered
Uncharted 2: Nate's Theme 2.0
Valkyria Chronicles: A Love Passed On (English Version)
Valkyria Chronicles: Randgrith Archduke's Family
WipeoutHD: Move ya!
WipeoutHD: Smart System
WipeoutHD: Machine Gun
WipeoutHD: Frontline
WipeoutHD: Marmite
WipeoutHD: Two Fingers
NOTE: Please forgive the list lacking spoiler tags right now. I'm trying to get them to work, but Gamespot has other plans apparently. Mods are way more than free to help me here. lol
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