Resistance and Ratchet obviously will since they are owned by sony. The PSP Ratchet and Resistance games are not done by insomniac.
I am almost certain that on a podcast somewhere right before tools of destruction came out, there was one of the main people from insomniac saying that they will stick with the PS3. Of course this is like 2 and half years ago.
Resistance 2 did not sell as well as the firstbecause they took out the regular story mode co-op and weapon wheel. There was a lot of hate for that game even though it was still awesome. Ratchet and Clank A crack in time did not sell off the charts because it's a family title and the core gameplay has not changed since the first game added that there has been a ratchet and clank game every year on a sony platform since it's incarnation. Ratchet is still awesome, but a lot of other games stole the spotlight. If they would have came out with Ratchet sooner then it might have fared better. Either way I hope they stay primarly exclusive to sony, not because I am a fanboy but because they are the one of the very few companies that can get the very best out of Sony consoles.
Resistance 1 was the best of the best on PS3 for like 8 months. Tools of Destruction showed what next generation graphics could really do. Resistance 2 showed that you could still have quite a lengthy campaign and cool multiplayer while boosting the player count for games.
As far as run n gun first person shooters go, Resistance has been one of the best. When the next playstation does come out, I hope they will bring another awesome game to show off what the system can do like they did in previous generations.
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