On your PC/Mac (the one directly connected to your router via cable/wire), Open your web browser and type the IP address of the router in the address bar. The default IP address is At the login, enter your username (admin) and password (default password is blank).
Click on the Home tab at the top of the configuration page and then click the Wireless button on the left side.
Next to SSID, type in a new SSID or keep your existing one.
Enable WEP.
Put WEP Encyrption at 128bit
Key type is Hex
Open a new browser window then go to this website http://www.powerdog.com/wepkey.cgi
Type any paraphrase on the field and click generate, copy the 128 bit (104-bit) key to your router's control panel key field.
That would be your network key.
Just key in those two information to your PSP.
Let me know if it helps or I'm confusing you. I'm doing this from my work. :)
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