When I first heard about Resident Evil 5, I was very excited. The first screens got me very pumped up for the game, plus Chris would finally be playable. However, after I've seen some gameplay trailers, I'm a little scared this is just going to be semi-beefed up Resident Evil 4. Other games have fallen into that trap, and players haven't been too pleased (for example, arguably, GTA 4, DMC 4, Smackdown vs Raw '08, etc...).
Plus, I'm very skeptical about the co-op. I've never played a co-op game online before, such as Army of Two, so I can't really justify my opinion that well, but I can just see the true potential of this game getting ruined by playing with some 12-year-old idiot who just wants to screw around. Seems like a cool conecpt, especially when I have a friend over and I could play co-op locally, but that's it really...
Hopefully I'm wrong, and this game turns out to be awesome and everything I'm worried about turns out great, but I'm not really expecting that. Anyone else share my opinion?
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