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DMC2 was a very dissappointing game to many of the fans and was soooo easy. I just recently played the first three games believe that number 2 is a bit disappointing in ways but not as bad as what everyone says.
You do know the timeline right, DMC3->DMC1->DMC4->DMC2, so number 2 isn't that neccesary in the story line.
DMC4 is alot easier than 3, thats because i found 3 ridicolously hard.
You can block, just not with Nero. And while DMC4's not a bad game, it certainly isn't one of the best. I literally fell asleep while playing the forest part. It's a damn shame you've got to unlock a harder difficulty just to get a damn challenge, 'cause scrubs whined their ***** off during DMC3, they nutered the 4th game. I still love me some DMC3 (the original DMC3) and 1 though. As far as 4 goes, I've already turned my attention to Ninja Gaiden 2.Rock-Cityninja gaiden is just like DMC people don't belive be thought
They made DMC4 a lot easier.X_CAPCOM_X
really? i guess i'll have to play it then. i didn't like how hard DMC3 was, thats why i got the SE version.
[QUOTE="Rock-City"]You can block, just not with Nero. And while DMC4's not a bad game, it certainly isn't one of the best. I literally fell asleep while playing the forest part. It's a damn shame you've got to unlock a harder difficulty just to get a damn challenge, 'cause scrubs whined their ***** off during DMC3, they nutered the 4th game. I still love me some DMC3 (the original DMC3) and 1 though. As far as 4 goes, I've already turned my attention to Ninja Gaiden 2.KCKING23ninja gaiden is just like DMC people don't belive be thought
Yeah, God of War is just like both of those. GoW is better than both of those, so that's the one I'm waiting for. Although, no telling when it will be out.
ninja gaiden is just like DMC people don't belive be thought[QUOTE="KCKING23"][QUOTE="Rock-City"]You can block, just not with Nero. And while DMC4's not a bad game, it certainly isn't one of the best. I literally fell asleep while playing the forest part. It's a damn shame you've got to unlock a harder difficulty just to get a damn challenge, 'cause scrubs whined their ***** off during DMC3, they nutered the 4th game. I still love me some DMC3 (the original DMC3) and 1 though. As far as 4 goes, I've already turned my attention to Ninja Gaiden 2.MyzeDivine
Yeah, God of War is just like both of those. GoW is better than both of those, so that's the one I'm waiting for. Although, no telling when it will be out.
God of War is cold but it's nothing like thoses it seem to compare with hevenly shword[QUOTE="MyzeDivine"]ninja gaiden is just like DMC people don't belive be thought[QUOTE="KCKING23"][QUOTE="Rock-City"]You can block, just not with Nero. And while DMC4's not a bad game, it certainly isn't one of the best. I literally fell asleep while playing the forest part. It's a damn shame you've got to unlock a harder difficulty just to get a damn challenge, 'cause scrubs whined their ***** off during DMC3, they nutered the 4th game. I still love me some DMC3 (the original DMC3) and 1 though. As far as 4 goes, I've already turned my attention to Ninja Gaiden 2.KCKING23
Yeah, God of War is just like both of those. GoW is better than both of those, so that's the one I'm waiting for. Although, no telling when it will be out.
God of War is cold but it's nothing like thoses it seem to compare with hevenly shword i spelled some words worng sorryI loved DMC 1! Why is it that i only hear of DMC 3 and 4? What happened to 2? Do i have to play 2 and 3 to follow up on the story in 4?FuaTokoFau
Devil May Cry 2 is a total abomination compared to the first, and certainly 3. You can usually pick it up for a few bucks if you really want to play it, but you won't miss anything. Capcom messed with the formula, and lost.
[QUOTE="americahellyeah"][QUOTE="X_CAPCOM_X"]They made DMC4 a lot easier.smeags11
really? i guess i'll have to play it then. i didn't like how hard DMC3 was, thats why i got the SE version.
They actually start you on the Normal difficulty for one thing. The game also gives you the option to have a checkpoint system with and provide Gold orbs that revive you instantly when you die. There's still a big challenge in the game, and the Gold orb system can reduce the amount of frustration you might get playing through your first time.
ninja gaiden is just like DMC people don't belive be thought[QUOTE="KCKING23"][QUOTE="Rock-City"]You can block, just not with Nero. And while DMC4's not a bad game, it certainly isn't one of the best. I literally fell asleep while playing the forest part. It's a damn shame you've got to unlock a harder difficulty just to get a damn challenge, 'cause scrubs whined their ***** off during DMC3, they nutered the 4th game. I still love me some DMC3 (the original DMC3) and 1 though. As far as 4 goes, I've already turned my attention to Ninja Gaiden 2.MyzeDivine
Yeah, God of War is just like both of those. GoW is better than both of those, so that's the one I'm waiting for. Although, no telling when it will be out.
GOW is better in your opinion, sure as hell not in mine. To me, GOW is the weakest most noob friendly of the bunch. Talk about being easy. GOW is a button masher through and through, and even though DMC4 is way more lenient on mashers than 3 was, GOW is still a masher to a even bigger extent with its emphasis on stringing together 10 hit canned combos and magic. NG plays nothing like DMC and sure as hell plays nothing like GOW. NG and DMC games offer you a superior combat engine with more versatility in contrast to GOW. The most basic of enemies in NG would kick your ass on a standard difficulty if you mashed on them. NG and DMC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GOW.
I have a terribly short attention span with games, unless they are online. So I don't even know if I'll make it to the end the first time around let alone play through it multiple times just to get a challenge. Shame, we'll have to see. They are starting to mix up monster a bit now, got some ice dudes along with now jumping joker guys so I get hit a bit here and there but nothing life threatening unfortunately. We'll see how it pans out. Maybe I've just been playing too much Ninja Gaiden to think this will be hard... Well atleast you cant block in DMC4 so that will atleast make that harder.HunidRacks
Ak, that could be a problem... This means a veteran like me who's played the original DMC and DMC3 in Dante Must Die Mode will find this game a pushover until the two extra legendary modes beyond Dante Must Die? o.O
Which in turn also means I will need to play the game at least "twice" (first time for hardest difficulty available upon first playthrough, and then hard mode after that) for the game to be even remotely challenging?
[QUOTE="MyzeDivine"]ninja gaiden is just like DMC people don't belive be thought[QUOTE="KCKING23"][QUOTE="Rock-City"]You can block, just not with Nero. And while DMC4's not a bad game, it certainly isn't one of the best. I literally fell asleep while playing the forest part. It's a damn shame you've got to unlock a harder difficulty just to get a damn challenge, 'cause scrubs whined their ***** off during DMC3, they nutered the 4th game. I still love me some DMC3 (the original DMC3) and 1 though. As far as 4 goes, I've already turned my attention to Ninja Gaiden 2.Rock-City
Yeah, God of War is just like both of those. GoW is better than both of those, so that's the one I'm waiting for. Although, no telling when it will be out.
GOW is better in your opinion, sure as hell not in mine. To me, GOW is the weakest most noob friendly of the bunch. Talk about being easy. GOW is a button masher through and through, and even though DMC4 is way more lenient on mashers than 3 was, GOW is still a masher to a even bigger extent with its emphasis on stringing together 10 hit canned combos and magic. NG plays nothing like DMC and sure as hell plays nothing like GOW. NG and DMC games offer you a superior combat engine with more versatility in contrast to GOW. The most basic of enemies in NG would kick your ass on a standard difficulty if you mashed on them. NG and DMC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GOW.
Sheesh, get defensive much? GoW2 on titan mode is harder than NGS (maybe about equal on hard mode), but less difficult than DMC3 on hardest setting. If you try and button mash on Titan, you will never get anywhere. I never said any of the games were bad. I loved DMC 1 and 3, and NGS, and as you can tell, GOW 1 and 2. I just think GoW is a better series. I don't need a game to be stupidly hard (DMC3 on Dante Must Die) to be fun. A good story will ALWAYS be the most important thing to me in a game, unless I'm playing a sports or racing game. Unlike DMC3 and NG, GoW offers easier play for the "noobs," as you put it, and harder play for the more hardcore, which is the way it should be. Also, btw, DMC4 isn't all that hard, at least not on hard.
I enjoy a challenge, but it's not my #1 priority. I'm guessing you are one of those types of people that can't enjoy R&C F: TOD.
[QUOTE="Rock-City"][QUOTE="MyzeDivine"]ninja gaiden is just like DMC people don't belive be thought[QUOTE="KCKING23"][QUOTE="Rock-City"]You can block, just not with Nero. And while DMC4's not a bad game, it certainly isn't one of the best. I literally fell asleep while playing the forest part. It's a damn shame you've got to unlock a harder difficulty just to get a damn challenge, 'cause scrubs whined their ***** off during DMC3, they nutered the 4th game. I still love me some DMC3 (the original DMC3) and 1 though. As far as 4 goes, I've already turned my attention to Ninja Gaiden 2.MyzeDivine
Yeah, God of War is just like both of those. GoW is better than both of those, so that's the one I'm waiting for. Although, no telling when it will be out.
GOW is better in your opinion, sure as hell not in mine. To me, GOW is the weakest most noob friendly of the bunch. Talk about being easy. GOW is a button masher through and through, and even though DMC4 is way more lenient on mashers than 3 was, GOW is still a masher to a even bigger extent with its emphasis on stringing together 10 hit canned combos and magic. NG plays nothing like DMC and sure as hell plays nothing like GOW. NG and DMC games offer you a superior combat engine with more versatility in contrast to GOW. The most basic of enemies in NG would kick your ass on a standard difficulty if you mashed on them. NG and DMC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GOW.
Sheesh, get defensive much? GoW2 on titan mode is harder than NGS (maybe about equal on hard mode), but less difficult than DMC3 on hardest setting. If you try and button mash on Titan, you will never get anywhere. I never said any of the games were bad. I loved DMC 1 and 3, and NGS, and as you can tell, GOW 1 and 2. I just think GoW is a better series. I don't need a game to be stupidly hard (DMC3 on Dante Must Die) to be fun. A good story will ALWAYS be the most important thing to me in a game, unless I'm playing a sports or racing game. Unlike DMC3 and NG, GoW offers easier play for the "noobs," as you put it, and harder play for the more hardcore, which is the way it should be. Also, btw, DMC4 isn't all that hard, at least not on hard.
I enjoy a challenge, but it's not my #1 priority. I'm guessing you are one of those types of people that can't enjoy R&C F: TOD.
That's funny, 'cause I find the original DMC3 (not DMC3 SE) and NG's normal difficulties to be just as challenging as GOW's titan modes. You get hit much harder in titan mode, and that's it. The enemies you fight are still prone to the same basic mixed combos you can own them with on lower difficulties. The AI for the enemy is still garbage. You wanna see a smart enemy AI? You pay attention how the enemies fight you in NG.
And a good story to me is a distant 2nd to gameplay. If all their was to judge a game by was story, GOW would be ahead of the pack easily. But the gameplay is just so shallow and uninteresting that it really isn't worth my time to seriously invest. It tries to trick the gamer into thinking that super combo inflation and violent finishing moves = a robust fighting engine.
I know DMC4 ain't hard (never said it was)...I've been saying it's easy all along. That's just one reason why I think the original DMC3 owns it. I'm not one for replaying games over and over just so I can find a difficulty that suits me. I want a difficulty that's just right for me from the get go. DMC1's default for me was perfect for a new, unfamiliar franchise. By the time of the original DMC3's release, I was very comfortable with the DMC mechanics, and had an easier transition into that game. Now with 4 not having harder difficulties available at start, it was boring going through it and hardly being challenged. Truthfully, I don't even want to play DMC4 again on any difficulty due to the lackluster, mostly docile feeling I had the first being so easy spoiled it for me. Plus now, I know all the enemy attack there goes the element of surprise. At the same time, I understand why Capcom toned down the initial difficulty and the only reason that DMC3 SE even exist: to appease those who were regularly getting their crying asses handed to them in DMC3.
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