It's not really the amount of save points, but rather you save, take 50 steps, and then get to another cutscene/save point. Repeat the process. I liked FF13 a lot, but the pacing was just not very good for the first 9 or so chapters. There was just absolutely no freedom and the constant breaks in actually gameplay made it frustrating. At least to me.
I waited forever for this game. I wanted to actually play it, not have it be broken into 10 minute chunks of gameplay. That's how it played to me for the first 9 chapters.
i agree that the pacing couldve been better either by axing some cutscenes (lightning beating the crap out of commandos for the 100th time would be a prime candidate) or coming up with ways to let the player act them out, but the pacing doesnt have anything to do with the save points. you can skip the 15 seconds it takes to save if youd like. This is true, but it just seemed that whenever there was a save point there was a cutscene which added to the pacing problems. In the end my problem was with the pacing, not the save points. Believe me, I saved at every opportunity. I don't play around with saves. I just worded my complaints wrongly is all.
i too suffer from compulsive saving syndrome. i COULD logically skip a save point, but im drawn to them like a fly to light :P
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