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or is call of duty 4 total garbage? seriously i have seen way better gamesFendersONLY
its you, but its getting worse IMO lately
Its not just you... I mean its a good game, but its not revolutionary...gamer_marrik
I got modded for saying the exact same thing once because i pissed some little kid on these forums off :lol: but I agree
or is call of duty 4 total garbage? seriously i have seen way better gamesFendersONLY
Not just you... the game was fun for a month... now there are too many glitches and even when I am owning, its still boring.
Plus I've never gotten so aggrevated over a game before (constant lag, bad hit detection, the helicopter only targets me.. EVEN IN BUILDINGS). RSV2 is out tommorrow, I won't play COD4 anymore.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 will be a much better game overall than COD 4.--MAV3R1CK--
Well I also prefer strategy over run nd gun, but its all preference. They're both military shooters, but the gameplay similarities end there.
its not better than halo 3 if thats what u meanPaisaPlaya510
It is better than Halo 3. Also, a game does not have to be "REVOLUTIONARY" to be great.
I love the fast paced, action packed campaign, and the multiplayer was fun for awhile, but I got bored of the nade fests fairly quickly. So, I played the campaign again, and now am going to trade it in.
All in all, I think it is a great shooter, but not the god send that it has been made out to be at all. I even preferred Team Fortress 2 multiplayer much more, personally. Although I know that I am in the minority on that one for sure, lol.
This is a great game - it's made better when you play with guys you know. I think I'm in the 6th prestige mode but am in the middle of the ranks with the guys I play with. For the guy who said he went 21-0, that was one game, and was that team deathmatch? That draws noobs. Play different modes. I prefer sabotage personally :) Mujambo
EVERY mode draws "noobs" (as little kids still call it). When you started playing COD4, you were a "noob" too. And probably got killed untill you disconnected in tears crying "it's so hard.." So if the beginners weren't welcome. They would never get better.
or is call of duty 4 total garbage? seriously i have seen way better gamesFendersONLYI haven't played it to know. But I didn't buy it. I was more interested in the singleplayer part of the game. Not the multiplayer. I have enough multiplayer games as it is, so I am not pressed for more. I wanted a nice long singleplayer like what you got in CoD1 (and to a extent 2). But nope, the short changed the singleplayer, so I skipped this game. I hope CoD5 has a long singleplayer so it will be worth buying.
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