The players in the PS3 are improving with firmware updates but if there is a preparatory flash player then the PS3 may never get that one but it could get one much better that's used by Linux. I have some of these programs that are office programs and they will work with any other office program usually better than the over priced ones from the other companies.
I have often wondered the samething, as I will go to newground or ebaumsworld to play games or watch videos, and it requires me to install a flash media player.
No it is not possible the only way is for sony to add it to a Firmware update which might or might not happen in time it will be able to run the whole internet but as of now Sony has yet to include it with an update sorry bro give it time and yeah i feel your pain most kool websites you cant go into with out the flash update such as watchin vids on IGN or Gametrailers and GS thats what i want it for so i dont have to DL it all the time ohh and so they fix the Info storing problem aka having too big of a website it cannot fit and run it properly so in time
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