I can understand why people might like Bad Company 2 more than MAG, but I personally like MAG more.
Here's why...I found a GREAT group of people to play with. We are in a very strong clan and we coordinate as a team to take down objectives.
We split up into snipers, assaultgroups, and medic/support groups so we always have each others backs. We all have mics so we can coordinate respawn points and objectives to attack.
MAG is uniquely satisfying to me because all of this stuff goes down while I'm playing. Sometimes on Domination our faction will win because my squad dominates as much as it does. And to think, I'm not even that good at FPS. I'm just a damn good medic who gets enough kills to watch my partners' back.
Plenty of people use a mic in MAG, but many do not. If you stick with people who communicate and friend them, you'll probably end up really liking this game. If you like to play quietly by yourself, this might not be the game for you. In all honesty, you're nothing in this game. You're only as strong as your team. Teamwork is essential to dominating in MAG. Keep that mind.
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