I rented it early in the summer and I found it fairly easy to find online games. Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me every time, being the Motorstorm noob that I am. I really enjoyed this game. I want it so bad! In fact I'm going to check half.com to see if it's cheap yet
I bought motor storm pr at eb games 3 months ago for 30 bucks due to a sale. I love this game and whenever im not on killzone / resistance i find myself playing this. Its very easy to find a game (30 secs or so) and is usually full.
I have Motorstorm PR and online is still active a lot of people play it plus the best part about is you can change server such as going on US, UK, AUS, KOR, *** servers which you will always find a game. I used to come 3rd in most racers but now I come near 6th or 8th I've had a lot of racers online and only came 1st once because I was using the monster truck.
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