Is PS3 gamers a different breed of gamers that the other tyoe of gamers?

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#1 Dogmatic923
Member since 2006 • 734 Posts

Im so close to getting a PS3. Maybe tomorrow, Im just wondering if or how PS3 gamers may be different in some way to say some like me who has be a xbox fan since halo. I used to only be a casual PS1 and ps2 gamer. I never got into reading reviews and on top of that i nevered played the most popluar games PS3 gamers are excited to be getting soon. I am hoping that PS3 will offer me a unquie exerance with games in these times. I already now the simlarites with FPS but what else is that that would classify a PS3 gamers experance different from a 360 gamer. I guess this will have to rely on specualtion since not many games are out for it yet. Also, the following opions will hopefully be based on someone who does have both systems. Well, Im probably going to be putting my chips on the table tomorrow and i hope my gamble will pay off with good gaming. It would on the surface seem like a dumb move since PS3 has the worse gaming drought i have obeserved since i have been playing close attention to gaming in the last 4 years. However, it is sony and they do have a loyal fan base to i think they will come through and im going to put my money we my mouth is. the only challegen is convicing my wife lol.

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#2 cmpepper23
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I have both systems, and all I can really say is that I play my PS3 daily for numerous hours. I play my 360 a couple times a week, mostly Command and Conquer. 360 is the first console I have bought other than Playstation since SNES. For me I have grown up playing Sony games like mgs, final fantasy, GTA, Twisted Metal, GOW, numerous RPGs and such. I just love the experience I get from Playstation.

I have played the popular games for 360, and they are fun, but they just don't do it for me. I have never enjoyed Halo although. Gears for me lasted about 3 weeks. I like the XMB way better than the 360 Tabs or whatever its called. My 360 broke, and I had to get a new one which didn't make me very happy. I have never had a good experience with their customer service. I have never called Sony's, so I can't comment on theirs. I think that is a good thing though.

Sony has never let their customers down. They stick with their systems even the PS2 unlike Microsoft who have moved onto 360 without looking back. The exclusive lineup is looking great. We got MGS4, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk ( I have the beta and it's awesome), LBP, HOME, Gran Turismo, NGS, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and so on. Resistance is a solid FPS especeially online. Oh yeah, Playstation Network is FREE. Yes, we are different breed. Tried the other side, and it just hasn't worked out.

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#3 knicknut17
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The answer to your question varies. Yes, PS3 gamers are different from other types of gamers because we decided to spend a considerable amount more on our consoles while settling for fewer high quality games. Why though? Because the Playstation library of games is hands down, the most diverse library of games available. There's no denying that. There's no game like Ico, Katamari Damacy, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Dragon Quest, Sing Star, Eye Toy Kinetic, or God of War on the other consoles. There are look-a-likes, but nothing quite like the afforementioned examples.

In my opinion, the Playstation library of games has the best action/adventure games. That's their bread and butter. Metal Gear Solid, God of War, Devil May Cry, Grand Theft Auto, Ico, Resident Evil...All Playstation exclusives. Only now do Xbox users get to see what Devil May Cry is all about. In return, us Playstation fans get a chance to check out Ninja Gaiden. Fair enough in my opinion.

Playstation is also home to the king of driving simulators: Gran Turismo. I'm not trying to hate on Forza because it's a great game. It's just not Gran Turismo. And Gran Turismo is the industry standard. That's just the way it is.

If you're an RPG fan, then there really is no question which console has vastly superior RPG's. With all due respect to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, what does Xbox have that can even hold a candle against Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest? Fable? Don't make me laugh...Oblivion is on both consoles now. Although I have to give credit to Mass Effect, that game looks like something special. Then again, so does White Knight Story, another PS3 exclusive.

Fighting games? Would you rather play Dead or Alive Ultimate or Tekken, Soul Calibur, and Virtua Fighter. Case closed.

What Playstation lacks are First Person Shooters. I like FPS games. They're incredibly addictive and fun to play with friends. The only problem for me is that it's the same thing over and over and over. Halo was revolutionary because it brought FPS to the consoles with a layer of polish that had never been seen outside of PC's before. I played so much Halo that it was probably the only game I played for about a year and half. GTA? Never touched it. I was obsessed with getting better at Halo. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just limiting in my opinion. By the time Halo 2 came out, I was burnt out from all the LAN parties I had with my friends. Then I picked up Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and was brought back to the light. I realized the value of diversity in video games.

I think Playstation 3 owners, in general, are more diverse gamers than their Xbox counterparts. Generally speaking, Xbox users, of which I am included, prefer to play online FPS and sports games. Playstation owners prefer action/adventure and RPG's. Generally speaking, Xbox games are well suited for multiplayer. Playstation games excel at immersive single player games.

I generally prefer single player games. For me, it has been the Playstation games that have stayed with me years after I play them. I fondly remember playing Metal Gear Solid and wanting to be a spy. I can recall wanting to smash Sepirhoth's face with my controller moments after he killed Aeris in Final Fantasy VII. I shed a tear at the end of Final Fantasy X. I will never forget Kratos' journey to retrieve Pandora's Box in his quest to murder the God of War. I feel like millions of other Playstation gamers can relate to exactly what I am referring to. It is a unique experience that is unique to this console. It is this experience that makes the Playstation 3 my console of choice.

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#4 deactivated-583a1f5a6d5ad
Member since 2003 • 228 Posts

damn, he's so right!

The answer to your question varies. Yes, PS3 gamers are different from other types of gamers because we decided to spend a considerable amount more on our consoles while settling for fewer high quality games. Why though? Because the Playstation library of games is hands down, the most diverse library of games available. There's no denying that. There's no game like Ico, Katamari Damacy, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Dragon Quest, Sing Star, Eye Toy Kinetic, or God of War on the other consoles. There are look-a-likes, but nothing quite like the afforementioned examples.

In my opinion, the Playstation library of games has the best action/adventure games. That's their bread and butter. Metal Gear Solid, God of War, Devil May Cry, Grand Theft Auto, Ico, Resident Evil...All Playstation exclusives. Only now do Xbox users get to see what Devil May Cry is all about. In return, us Playstation fans get a chance to check out Ninja Gaiden. Fair enough in my opinion.

Playstation is also home to the king of driving simulators: Gran Turismo. I'm not trying to hate on Forza because it's a great game. It's just not Gran Turismo. And Gran Turismo is the industry standard. That's just the way it is.

If you're an RPG fan, then there really is no question which console has vastly superior RPG's. With all due respect to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, what does Xbox have that can even hold a candle against Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest? Fable? Don't make me laugh...Oblivion is on both consoles now. Although I have to give credit to Mass Effect, that game looks like something special. Then again, so does White Knight Story, another PS3 exclusive.

Fighting games? Would you rather play Dead or Alive Ultimate or Tekken, Soul Calibur, and Virtua Fighter. Case closed.

What Playstation lacks are First Person Shooters. I like FPS games. They're incredibly addictive and fun to play with friends. The only problem for me is that it's the same thing over and over and over. Halo was revolutionary because it brought FPS to the consoles with a layer of polish that had never been seen outside of PC's before. I played so much Halo that it was probably the only game I played for about a year and half. GTA? Never touched it. I was obsessed with getting better at Halo. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just limiting in my opinion. By the time Halo 2 came out, I was burnt out from all the LAN parties I had with my friends. Then I picked up Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and was brought back to the light. I realized the value of diversity in video games.

I think Playstation 3 owners, in general, are more diverse gamers than their Xbox counterparts. Generally speaking, Xbox users, of which I am included, prefer to play online FPS and sports games. Playstation owners prefer action/adventure and RPG's. Generally speaking, Xbox games are well suited for multiplayer. Playstation games excel at immersive single player games.

I generally prefer single player games. For me, it has been the Playstation games that have stayed with me years after I play them. I fondly remember playing Metal Gear Solid and wanting to be a spy. I can recall wanting to smash Sepirhoth's face with my controller moments after he killed Aeris in Final Fantasy VII. I shed a tear at the end of Final Fantasy X. I will never forget Kratos' journey to retrieve Pandora's Box in his quest to murder the God of War. I feel like millions of other Playstation gamers can relate to exactly what I am referring to. It is a unique experience that is unique to this console. It is this experience that makes the Playstation 3 my console of choice.

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#5 Swedish_Wolf
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Seems most fanboys plays xbox. Ive never been such Sony fan myself but the Ps3 sure is more interesting to me than Wii and X360. Played mostly Nintendo consoles before.
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#6 hot_doggin9
Member since 2007 • 120 Posts

Yeah i think they are and that really shows (at this point) how people act online. I had xbox-live for a while (because of the delayed ps3here in europe)and i really hated how competetive and hardcore most gamers were. Especially the pressure forusing headset since everybody got one, wich isn't so bad on itself but there are a lot of dorks out there taking it all way too seriously.

So my xbox360 started to collect dust and i eventually sold the microsoft hardware; totally losing my interest in gaming.

But i still had my ps2, and i started to play some gran turismo 4. I was back at it again.

When i heard the ps3 was aviable from stock, it led me to buying it. Now i can compare xbox gamers to playstation gamers over the net. The impression i got, was that ps3 owners are offcourse competetive as well but more laidback. I myself am a casual gamer who picks up online play just to have some fun. That is where i think the difference is, besides playstation games and the system. What ialso noticed is that ps players are party people, some are smokin the J and drinkin beer wich is dope because those people don't take all to seriously either. Maybe because the network is free?

Anyway, i'm home again:D

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#7 MusashiSensi
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All gamers are the same, Especially those fanboys out there. I mean we all defend our systems when someone bashes it. That's the major thing that connects us. I mean if all gamers weren't the same there wouldn't be a system wars forum with half the gamespoters in it. We're all the same, buddy. I personally am not into the system wars battles, but I will defend the systems I have with FACTS!You'd never catch me trying to bash another system. But in the end we're all the same because we're gamers...point blank.

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#8 casey7672
Member since 2006 • 5348 Posts
Someone who likes free online and a different type of console great in its own light. Lots of great games headed its way and improving online features of Home, PSN store etc.
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#9 hot_doggin9
Member since 2007 • 120 Posts


I have nothin against different systems, i made a choice : i like ps3 more than 360 after i played both

That's just my opinion although it does kinda sound like system bashing, and the people who are on xboxlive. It;s just an experience wich is not based on facts (logically we're the same).

I just wonder wether there is a difference between online players from xbox and ps3, because i have that experience

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#10 MorisUkunRasik
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NES SNES N64 PS GCN PS2 and now PS3 I can say that I have little to no urge to buy a 360. Maybe if they 100% back compatibility I will grab the best XBX and XBX360 games along with a 360 when they introduce the the new processor. Until then I will be using a PS3 solely or until SSBB and mario galaxy comes out.
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#11 KurupSoldr
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people are all the same no matter the system, you get on xbox live you deal wth dumb stupid people,you get on psn you deal with dumb stupid people, 2 examples Halo2 and Socom i rest my case there. As far as everythig else i have both systems i depending on what games are out depends on the system i use. since i only have 2 games for my ps3 and 12 for my 360 but a few ps2 games as well. both systems have good games that are not on the other, like god of war, MEtal gear for PS, but the xbox does not have as many at this time as PS even if some games are not exclusive any more it will still be better on the ps3 just like ports to the ps3 are not as good as the systemthey were meant for. its your choice in the end but i always have two systems so when the games come out on both i can get it for they system it fits better. plus i still get every exclusive between the 2 that i want, you only live once y not go for it and fnd out.
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#12 Good_sk8er
Member since 2007 • 43 Posts
If you're mostly into shooters then the 360 hosts more shooter games than Playstation. But if you like all sorts of different games then the ps3 is the way to go. Their games are varied more than the 360. Fans of FF, GT, MGS, or any other franchizes should invest the extra money into a PS3. I think the choice a gamer makes does not make them different than the other. It's usually just their choice of games. Unless you're a fanboy of course
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#13 PolkaStripe
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Can i just say knicknut17 some of the ''ps3'' exclusives you mentioned arn't exclusives.. resident evil ect arn't ps3 exclusives one or two in your list are on the wii soon. Im not system bashing by no means at all i just wanted to point it out =]