The answer to your question varies. Yes, PS3 gamers are different from other types of gamers because we decided to spend a considerable amount more on our consoles while settling for fewer high quality games. Why though? Because the Playstation library of games is hands down, the most diverse library of games available. There's no denying that. There's no game like Ico, Katamari Damacy, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Dragon Quest, Sing Star, Eye Toy Kinetic, or God of War on the other consoles. There are look-a-likes, but nothing quite like the afforementioned examples.
In my opinion, the Playstation library of games has the best action/adventure games. That's their bread and butter. Metal Gear Solid, God of War, Devil May Cry, Grand Theft Auto, Ico, Resident Evil...All Playstation exclusives. Only now do Xbox users get to see what Devil May Cry is all about. In return, us Playstation fans get a chance to check out Ninja Gaiden. Fair enough in my opinion.
Playstation is also home to the king of driving simulators: Gran Turismo. I'm not trying to hate on Forza because it's a great game. It's just not Gran Turismo. And Gran Turismo is the industry standard. That's just the way it is.
If you're an RPG fan, then there really is no question which console has vastly superior RPG's. With all due respect to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, what does Xbox have that can even hold a candle against Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest? Fable? Don't make me laugh...Oblivion is on both consoles now. Although I have to give credit to Mass Effect, that game looks like something special. Then again, so does White Knight Story, another PS3 exclusive.
Fighting games? Would you rather play Dead or Alive Ultimate or Tekken, Soul Calibur, and Virtua Fighter. Case closed.
What Playstation lacks are First Person Shooters. I like FPS games. They're incredibly addictive and fun to play with friends. The only problem for me is that it's the same thing over and over and over. Halo was revolutionary because it brought FPS to the consoles with a layer of polish that had never been seen outside of PC's before. I played so much Halo that it was probably the only game I played for about a year and half. GTA? Never touched it. I was obsessed with getting better at Halo. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just limiting in my opinion. By the time Halo 2 came out, I was burnt out from all the LAN parties I had with my friends. Then I picked up Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and was brought back to the light. I realized the value of diversity in video games.
I think Playstation 3 owners, in general, are more diverse gamers than their Xbox counterparts. Generally speaking, Xbox users, of which I am included, prefer to play online FPS and sports games. Playstation owners prefer action/adventure and RPG's. Generally speaking, Xbox games are well suited for multiplayer. Playstation games excel at immersive single player games.
I generally prefer single player games. For me, it has been the Playstation games that have stayed with me years after I play them. I fondly remember playing Metal Gear Solid and wanting to be a spy. I can recall wanting to smash Sepirhoth's face with my controller moments after he killed Aeris in Final Fantasy VII. I shed a tear at the end of Final Fantasy X. I will never forget Kratos' journey to retrieve Pandora's Box in his quest to murder the God of War. I feel like millions of other Playstation gamers can relate to exactly what I am referring to. It is a unique experience that is unique to this console. It is this experience that makes the Playstation 3 my console of choice.
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