This topic is locked from further discussion.
i have a feeling this thread is gonna get locked....on topic they would lose sales if they did cuz wat parent would want there kid playing a ps3 then
lol But come on! The fact is that we are running out of ideas when things come to creating a reasonable and interesting topic - everything has been said before - there is nothing left here anymore....
Moderator's Note: To keep the number of stickied threads down, I've combined the official PSN ID thread and thelastguy's Trophy Leaderboard. For archival purposes, here is the original PSN ID thread. Please use this thread for both purposes from now on.
Welcome to GameSpot's PSN ID and Trophy Leaderboard! As of now, we have 2 leaderboards. For those of you who have already posted in this thread, post your level and percentage complete for the new main leaderboard.
To be placed on the Main Leaderboard POST YOUR LEVEL PERCENTAGE
Whenever you acquire a new trophy, just post your new level % and total
IMPORTANT: Starting now, you need to provide proof of having more than 350 trophies for to be included on the leaderboard. One form of proof is having the PSN trophy card in your sig. You can be from anywhere to access the card, not just Europe because the cards have yet to be released in other regions.
Note: The list is complied from GameSpot usernames, not PSN ones
Due to the fact that I no longer need to keep bumping the thread, it will be updated on weekends :)
Trophy Collector of the month info
The TCotM (trophy collector of the month) is whoever sits a top the Platinum leaderboard at the end of each month.
it used to be whoever sits a top the main leaderboard at the end of the month
Past Winners
March 2009 - tonytekken6
April - tonytekken6
May- NaughtyRag
The trophy collector for the month of June 2009 is bczigothigh
Platinum Leaderboard (top 10)
stephencfc92 - 26tonytekken6 - 25bczigothigh - 23powerman91 - 15hiryu3 - 14SantaTerb - 12alexbhp - 12XturnalS - 12JohnM1983 - 10mozesx - 10
Main Leaderboard (by level %)
tonytekken6 - Level 16 8%stephencfc92 - Level 15 34%alexbhp - Level 14 30%bczigothigh - Level 14 12%hiryu3 - Level 13 73%XturnalS - Level 12 64%powerman91 - Level 13 35%SantaTerb - Level 12 76%mozesx - Level 12 54%DJ1_2_3 - Level 12 46%qkhan2002 - Level 12 46%LURCH87 - Level 12 38%agentzero23 - Level 12 27%JohnM1983 - Level 12 25%StealthMonkey4 - Level 12 20%BZSIN - Level 12 15%RotaryRX7 - Level 12 14%Altiar25 - Level 12 3%Kunlun - Level 12 2%ArchoNils2 - Level 12 1%CronoStrife - Level 11 90%Nova_Crystal - Level 11 83%caseystryker - Level 11 73%Takiwara - Level 11 56%xcr33px - Level 11 35%L33T_TI200P3I2 - Level 11 26%initiald411 - Level 11 23%killerband55 - Level 10 81%bigsexy_90 - Level 10 80%micky4889 - Level 10 55%canana - Level 10 54%Diddies - Level 10 43%Mcortijo01 - Level 10 42%Sk8ter_213 - Level 10 37%Kitteyy - Level 10 22%csadhoo - Level 10 15%JLF1 - Level 10 9%crix3 - Level 9 93%2beers_in_hand - Level 9 92%jw_burrell - Level 9 75%coolin_PS3 - Level 9 53%ExTrazz-SeWICX - Level 9 48%LaughingManX23 - Level 9 36%Mr_Alexander - Level 9 34%callofdutyzzz - Level 9 30%meluvulongtime8 - Level 9 1%Chaos_Bladez - Level 8 95%smithster118 - Level 8 95%SvV_Ying - Level 8 92%mooooo99 - Level 8 91%j5r9s2 - Level 8 90%FishyFriend - Level 8 50%BC20FLY - Level 8 47%grand17 - Level 8 40%theycallmeryan - Level 8 36%Eviljeem - Level 8 33%Phantom5800 - Level 8 32%punkrocker163 - Level 8 32%Wildedge93 - Level 8 26%chathuranga - Level 8 16%T-Machine99 - Level 8 12%klubjunkee - Level 8 5%StargamerX - Level 8 4%ravine1 - Level 7 96%ludacriss - Level 7 93%sumarr - Level 7 93%dead888 - Level 7 90%Unknown_Hero3 - Level 7 81%C_BozkurT_C - Level 7 78%Gxgear - Level 7 78%Adziboy - Level 7 77%grand17 - Level 7 75%ThaGreatness007 - Level 7 60%danimal233 - Level 7 59%deathmaker181 - Level 7 47%jonnyt61 - Level 7 45%Christopper - Level 7 45%rogerjak - Level 7 37%king23_ - Level 7 34%NoobisMaxcimus - Level 7 29%rockguy92 - Level 7 26%Zathic - Level 7 25%BlackIce2007 - Level 7 22%thelastguy - Level 7 6%mjk400 - Level 7 1%Frank_Castle_AZ - Level 7 1%david_lck - Level 6 94%chapnzaba - Level 6 91%SOedipus - Level 6 88%shads20 - Level 6 79%bpw8 - Level 6 71%auzzieglove217 - Level 6 66%johnlennon28 - Level 6 64%LightR - Level 6 59%Kleeyook - Level 6 54%phoenix-serpent - Level 6 50%Bow-T_88 - Level 6 48%THEGoD1 - Level 6 47%Kruegmeister - Level 6 47%Doolz2024 - Level 6 46%LanceSSJ - Level 6 45%gedo - Level 6 42%byrdcjb100 - Level 6 42%darkfame - Level 6 41%Abicus7 - Level 6 40%Cody13_2012 - Level 6 37%M0wen10 - Level 6 15%javelin121- Lvel 6 15%Sitic - Level 6 14%WhenPicklezFly - Level 6 7%High_Contrast - Level 6 6%barnsey_123 - Level 6 4%what93 - Level 5 99%phoenix-serpent - Level 5 88%DarylJ100 - Level 5 84%Console_Gamer93 - Level 5 74%Blitz_Nemesis - Level 5 67%R7_3 - Level 5 67%mmirza23 - Level 5 67%Satanized - Level 5 56%jamespreston - Level 5 53%Shmoe82 - Level 5 47%bigblunt537 - Level 5 33%mutual-assassin - Level 5 27%Jabsta - Level 5 25%EPaul - Level 5 17%acmx22 - Level 5 12%sweeten16 - Level 5 8%Warriorboy1990 - Level 5 2%elchiquilin - Level 5 1%Horum - Level 4 98%HarshGamer - Level 4 90%xfire312 - Level 4 85%x-KNIVES-x - Level 4 80%ScRuBJoNeS407 - Level 4 78%crusadeonacid - Level 4 77%pro_FAMOUS_PS3 - Level 4 76%archenemy4 - Level 4 68%gamergirl17 - Level 4 61%Dawq902 - Level 4 55%iLLuSiioNz - Level 4 53%981Master - Level 4 43%stevencavagan - Level 4 30%boron1995 - Level 4 28%rustysteiner - Level 3 62%KratosTwin - Level 3 37%Jamies_girl - Level 2 66%TormentedHero - Level 2 28%Damien_Torrence - Level 2 25%Hotboy458525 - Level 2 21%
Secondary Leaderboard (by number of trophies)
tonytekken6 - 1912stephencfc92 - 1610alexbhp - 1542bczigothigh - 1299XturnalS - 1287hiryu3 - 1280powerman91 - 1063SantaTerb - 928DJ1_2_3 - 926qkhan2002 - 901mozesx - 886LURCH87 - 833RotaryRX7 - 831JohnM1983 - 795Altiar25 - 790agentzero23 - 772CronoStrife - 767BZSIN - 749Kunlun - 731StealthMonkey4 - 727mattyperkins - 716ArchoNils2 - 715bigsexy_90 - 703initiald411 - 681caseystryker - 666Jersalaw - 660Mcortijo01 - 660Takiwara - 656xcr33px - 654d_ano - 644Nova_Crystal - 636micky4889 - 626Sk8ter_213 - 601mental_case_5 - 600AntiMagnetic - 598canana - 590thesoul17 - 582csadhoo - 581infidexus - 574killerband55 - 573Diddies - 559Kitteyy - 551crix3 - 5472beers_in_hand - 538callofdutyzzz - 537__-Vickfan4-__ - 536LaughingManX23 - 527emitsu97 - 522Mr_Alexander - 519jw_burrell - 511JLF1 - 506ExTrazz-SeWICX - 505meluvulongtime8 - 501coolin_PS3 - 499Donthizz_86 - 498Chaos_Bladez - 483knx14 - 481heavybotpoko - 480smithster118 - 474mooooo99 - 470SvV_Ying - 466THE_BRUTALIZER - 455ktrotter11 - 450ktrotter11 - 450Eviljeem - 449coold_steam - 443samuraiguns - 441j5r9s2 - 420sumarr - 419BC20FLY - 408punkrocker163 - 406americahellyeah - 403smithster118 - 403StargamerX - 403klubjunkee - 398T-Machine99 - 393Phantom5800 - 390Adziboy - 389Gxgear - 387ravine1 - 386theycallmeryan - 386Unknown_Hero3 - 385C_BozkurT_C - 382ENDOT12123 - 381Wildedge93 - 377ludacriss - 376grand17 - 374akobi - 368SparkeyMark86 - 366Slickstar875 - 365dead888 - 362Borkil - 361verbalfilth - 360deathmaker181 - 360Wildedge93 - 359rogerjak - 352king23_ - 349danimal233 - 345ThaGreatness007 - 342chathuranga - 342slimdave21 - 334grand17 - 333Christopper - 332redskins2156 - 329jonnyt61 - 327rockguy92 - 321david_lck - 314harman_nahal - 307Frank_Castle_AZ - 306chapnzaba - 303thelastguy - 303BlackIce2007 - 300ToddyTheGunners - 299ElectricEnix - 295SOedipus - 294mjk400 - 293NoobisMaxcimus - 290auzzieglove217 - 273phoenix-serpent - 270shads20 - 268LightR - 268gedo - 264slimdave21 - 263johnlennon28 - 262darkfame - 261Zathic - 259XDesign2003 - 258blazndragon0 - 256Doolz2024 - 252Kruegmeister - 252fluffers623 - 250Abicus7 - 249byrdcjb100 - 248SoNin360 - 248THEGoD1 - 247shhbob - 247M0wen10 - 246Wiiingssbb - 246bpw8 - 243Kleeyook - 234Bow-T_88 - 231j5r9s2 - 231Cody13_2012 - 230barnsey_123 - 227mark081079 - 227LanceSSJ - 227liamabob - 226byrdcjb100 - 225przemekszymbra - 223R7_3 - 220superfrog123 - 207mmirza23 - 207phoenix-serpent - 206High_Contrast - 202DarylJ100 - 201what93 - 200Satanized - 199RockPwner - 188jazz015 - 185Console_Gamer93 - 184jerkface96 - 183TehSonofUgly - 173jamespreston - 167Blitz_Nemesis - 163Shmoe82 - 160Keyblade_150 - 157bluem00se - 155Warriorboy1990 - 155mutual-assassin - 155McMJ3 - 154EPaul - 152acmx22 - 151kingdevil2 - 149Asim90 - 148blabbyboy - 143ManifestoJoe 141escapeoftheape - 133elchiquilin - 126Berserkerz - 125coolkid93 - 124pro_FAMOUS_PS3 - 123crusadeonacid - 123bigblunt537 - 121kill_bot141 - 116xfire312 - 110gamergirl17 - 109ScRuBJoNeS407 - 108saintseiyaj - 107shosa - 107archenemy4 - 102Filthybastrd - 101enjoi91 - 99Dawq902 - 98HarshGamer - 97reaper778 - 95sweeten16 - 95mosman11 - 92BrettyBoy888 - 91munkeypoo45 - 91Xul_Onerom - 89Bioshockraptor - 88Horum - 87981Master - 86nikgamma - 83stevencavagan - 83boron1995 - 81lmhansen - 71conistant - 65jcopp72 - 65ratomon - 62lil_buddy7 - 56rustysteiner - 56x-KNIVES-x - 54KratosTwin - 48uncalldaway - 38Jamies_girl - 29MURDA_B - 27TormentedHero - 21Damien_Torrence - 20Hotboy458525 - 19
Special thanks to T-Machine99 for contributing updates to the leaderboards
I have 22 trophies in Killzone 2 :PRsKKK
why is this here?
Porn versions of games?
Little big...???
**** of Duty
G-Spot Hero
You need help.
Are you offering to help me make these games?Hmm this doesn't seem so bad. Now we can see every last detail in beautiful 1080p! :lol:
Porn versions of games?
Little big...???
**** of Duty
G-Spot Hero
Actually, DJ Hero still works for a porn title! ^^
[QUOTE="pauljames1986"] Are you offering to help me make these games?Zidaneski
Awww, he was just trying to come onto you.
I know :(I know :([QUOTE="pauljames1986"][QUOTE="Zidaneski"]
Awww, he was just trying to come onto you.
I was even going to pretend to like Haze to get with you.I was even going to pretend to like Haze to get with you.[QUOTE="pauljames1986"][QUOTE="Furi-Kun"]
:lol:I don't think the ps3 is supporting porn but that service is only supporting the ps3. I think it is still done through the ps3 browser. But the ps3 is the only thing it works on. Supposedly sony lost the format war of betamax vs vhs cause they didn't allow porn on betamax. Maybe they learned their lesson by not endorsing but still allowing it.
First thing comes to mind: "Does it really matter?"
I mean, I guess my computer supports porn, and by extension, Microsoft, as maker of my OS.
Every video format can pretty much display or play adult movies.
VHS, DVD, any downloadable device you can take with you. It really doesn't matter nor has it anything to do with Sony.
Since when were adult movies a sin?
Unless you're very young person adult industry had been producing such form of entertainment for many, many years. In fact it's one of the ridiculously immerse money generating aspect of movie business.
Nothing new here, Adult video goes HD. It will only generate more revenue for the industry just like it did for VHS and DVD format.
Hmm this doesn't seem so bad. Now we can see every last detail in beautiful 1080p! :lol:
Porn versions of games?
Little big...???
**** of Duty
G-Spot Hero
Actually, DJ Hero still works for a porn title! ^^
I was even going to pretend to like Haze to get with you.[QUOTE="pauljames1986"][QUOTE="Furi-Kun"]
Dude. This is Gamespot. What'd you expect? I'm a lower level than you and I know this. LOL.god i hope so, less chance of my computer getting a virus that way XDwatblud
yes but what if ur ps3 got a virus?
i think that happend to my psp hahaha*sigh* :(
[QUOTE="Furi-Kun"][QUOTE="pauljames1986"] I was even going to pretend to like Haze to get with you.supa_badman
:lol:Good conversation.
Please stop these ages lol. Anyway there are people who are under ''18'' but they are more adult than some other 30 year old guys lol you get my point.i wonder how many people under 18 are on this thread right now and supporting it....
[QUOTE="Eazy1891"]Please stop these ages lol. Anyway there are people who are under ''18'' but they are more adult than some other 30 year old guys lol you get my point.i wonder how many people under 18 are on this thread right now and supporting it....
Heh I think in general people are immature (especially some gamers) and age has nothing to do with it. It just sounds more annoying when a younger person is shouting obscenities cause their voices are higher pitched and they use that to their advantage. Cause all douches think "What can I do to piss people off most?"
Porn versions of games?
Little big...???
**** of Duty
G-Spot Hero
You need help.
my mind is going like 90miles an hour right now, lolPorn versions of games?
Little big...???
**** of Duty
G-Spot Hero
Only funny one..
Well, I believe you might have to register a JPN Credit Card in order to join.
So, keep your willies in your pants guys.
ya know there other ways to get porn onto your ps3, very easy simple ways,
I prefer the real thing anyway
Sony is making it like someone can't already use the web browser to view porn anyway (not that I have ever done this, (I really haven't)). It's not really a 'feature' since it's not sponsored by Sony. Maybe Sony is trying to make a gateway into a new industry???
i have a feeling this thread is gonna get locked....on topic they would lose sales if they did cuz wat parent would want there kid playing a ps3 then
wrong,hentai makes up 20% of the anime market in japan and hentai can be brought on UMD's for PSP(I saw la blue girl on psp in my local GAME on the bottom shelf,perfect height for kids to see :) )Also the PS1 had offical porn games in japan.And to be fair the scapegoat hunting parents usually have no idea about parentla lock on consoles or even what goes onto consoles,they just buy what the media tells them which is usually proven to be lies such as the story with mass effect were news stations were reporting the game was a" r a p e" simulator and that you could r a p e any person in the game,no joke
I'll have to think twice now before downloading anything related to "Solid Snake".hazelnutman
:o You better!
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