GT, Wipeout, Warhawk.. Sony doesn't use the same series over and over again.. that's what makes them stand out from Nintendo or Microsoft.. that isn't to say there is anything wrong with a good game series to keep running from older consoles to newer ones... the Mario and Zelda titles are prime examples. They have had far.. FAR more good Mario and Zelda games then bad ones, and they have been round since the NES. But that just isn't how Sony looks at it, they keep trying to bring fresh and new ideas to the table and is the reason I have a playstation.
all the IP's sony owns obviously... Ape escape Gran turismo Syphon Filter Medievil Twisted Metal Warhawk Wildarms??? Wipeout As far as i know were all back on ps1 days and are all exclusive (not 100% sure bout wildarms)
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