I've heard alot of positive things about Valkyria Chronicles from reviews, and from people here on these forums. I like the idea of mixing together third-person shooter and real time strategy. The visuals\graphics look kinda neat. The only thing thats kinda weird, is the gameplay when your playing in third person. It looks kind of stupid, because you have these words flashing across the screen saying "POTENTIAL!", and there is this automatapia (cant spell it =P) that flashes off when you drive a tank or shoot a gun. It's kinda annoying. I've also seen people run pass enemies, and yet they dont turn to fire on them? They just remain faced in the same direction the entire time. In addition, the firing mechanics look... i unno, it looks *** No offence of course. I saw some vids showing someone controlling a tank, and apparently its "attack" is lobbing a ball into the air, and watching it slowly arc before crashing upon an enemies head. I dont know about you guys, but when i saw that, i just went like wtf? The gameplay also seems really slow as well. I tried playing the demo, and i guess it was okay. I really hope that it isn't an accurate representation though... Anyhow, like i really am interested in it, but i still have my personal doubts whether it'll be a good game for me. Based on what i've told you, can you guys give me some input?
Edit: Edited to remove derogatory term. A message from the mods.Nephilim83
Wow, I can't believe how completely useless some of you posters are. The man just asked for advice. You can see by what he's said in the paragraph above that he has a few misconceptions about the game that need to be cleared up for him. If you can't post something helpful then don't post. Otherwise you're just being rude......
ON TOPIC: Let me first say that I, too, played demo and thought MEH, but the demo hardly scratches the surface of how deep the gameplay in VC actually goes. And it is SOOO fun. But I'll get to that. First, I have to clear up some of your misconceptions. When "potential" pops up on the screen it means that certain conditions were met and a special increase or decrease in abilities has been activated. Each character has different potentials. When a potential is activated it can be good or bad; you can take more damage or deal more damage or have increased accuracy or so on.... So, if the word "potential" didn't flash across the screen you wouldn't know about your new condition and wether not to take advantage of it or be weary of it.
As far as enemies who don't fire go there is a reason for that. Enemies only fire if you cross into their line of sight. Some, like shocktroopers can only see about 60 degrees of the area in fron of them, so you should be able to walk pretty closely beside them without being shot at. Scouts, on the other hand, can see like 250 degrees or better, so they're likely to shoot you unless you come straight up behind them. Lots of games use a system like this. Look at the MGS series.
What you saw the tank firing was a mortor. The tank's mortor blast is for taking out foot soldiers. There's also and anti-armor shell (basic canon) and a big machine gun. They are all very useful.
The gameplay IS slow. Its a freakin' strategy game. You take turns and you have to make sure you make smart moves, so you have to take your tiime and plan it out. Also, each squad member, based on class, can only move a certain distance per turn so it takes time to get them where you want them. But the battle fields are compact enough so its not to grueling a task, and on the larger fields there are multiple bases so you can start closer to where you want to be... But it is slow. I fought a boss that took me almost two hours of careful planning to destroy. But this game is hard to put down, and its been a long time since I've won a battle and jumped up out of my seat shouting praises to myself- VC does this for me!
All in all the game has a great story, though its obviously not for everyone. Its an anime at heart and can be cheesey at times, but the basic premise is really cool. Its an RPG, so some things are gonna happen that look or sound cheesey. Thats just how RPGS are for the most part. BUt the game is very addictive and endlessly fun. I played the same skirmishes over and over just to perfect them (you get letter scores based on how well you performed in battle; I strive for all A's). The gameplay goes pretty deep, and you've never played anything like this. I promise. You might not like it at all, but I felt just like you before I bought it. I just bit the bullet and went for it.... Man, that bullet tastes gooooooooood!!! VC is my third favorite game (after MGS4 and KZ2, of course). You couldn't do yourself much harm by buying this game. So, I say, go for it.
Hope this was helpful. If you have any more questions feel free to PM me.
Very well explained, great job.
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