Its only been4years since PS3 launched (come November) PS2 lasted from 2000 to 2007 selling the most each year (though a year or two it may have sold less??) and still sells good every place around the world. As the price of PS3 drops it will sell better.
- Sony has spent Billions on PS3 no hurry to spend Billions on launching PS4
- PS2 still selling well lasted many years
- Developers in no hurry to start again making tools, game engine for new console
- It cost a lot of money to develop games now, but the price is coming down
- Next generation graphics will not blow this generation out of the water.
- People have spent money on controllers, HDD, blue tooth headset.... not ready to invest in new console.
- Move and 3D are helping this generation last longer
- last generation is not the same as this generation
- The longer we wait for next generation the better the console will be.
Sony has spet over 3 Billion on launching PS3
I do not think Sony is in a hurry to launch a new Playstation console any time soon. 2013 at the EARLIEST.
The graphics for PS3 look great, Move will also help PS3 sales and games, not to mention 3D which will pick up steam slowly as more smaller 3D tvs and monitors becomeavilible for cheap. NEXT Generation graphics will not increase 5fold better even if they are better as Xbox is to Xbox 360. I continue to play Xbox games and they do not look so outdated compared to Xbox 360 or PS3.
PS3 will be cheaper for developers to work with as new tools, engines... push PS3 to do all it can do, thus the creative process will be fully realized, and the engines, tools will be less expensive. Launch a new console and all this starts over, new tools, new engines, takesTIME and MONEY. The Xbox 360 was EASY to develop for yet it still took year to push the conole to do what it can do now, same with PS3 which is harder to develop for. Developers and Publishers will make more profit from these games becaue the cost will be lower.
People have already invested 300 dollars in the console, and bought controllers, games, ps eye.... many people are not in a hurry to buy new items for a new console. As more people buy PS3 more games will become on the greatest hit list faster. Games may drop in price from $60 to $50 as prices come down to mae games, and games are made faster.
Last generation PS2 was good and Xbox was more powerful, though PS2 God of war showed that PS2 could pump out the graphics. They better looing games look good to this day, and are not blown out by the average game on PS3. Each year games get better as develoeprs find ways to make better use of the cell's SPEs, and interaction between cell and GPU.
If PS4 comes out in 2011/2012 the differences will not be great between PS3 end of life games and new PS4 games. If Sony waits longer the console will be better for it as chips continully get better.
I could go on and on reason by reason why Sony will not launch before 2014 but each year I will post here saying another year with PS3
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