I would have to disagree with you, I thought the AI was really amazing its just kind of hard to flank someone when you stay way way back behind a huge stone pillar the whole time. I can think of more than once that they outsmarted me, at almost every gun battle they've gotten pretty close to taking me out. The first fight I found this out is when you jump down to the big area with all the guys is if you get in too close to them they will form a circle around you and close in, the second time i've found something neat they did is when the guy with the shotgun comes out all the guys with the normal guns will keep you pinned behind cover while he runs at you to shotgun you to death and the last gate i've found that if you don't pay attention to all the guys in there they will run to the sides oppisite of where you are taking cover and they'll fire on you, and hasn't naughty dog said that these are just pirates and as it goes on you will fight proffesional fighters?
Now I'd have to disagree with the person that said that nathan takes way less shots to kill then the enemy, but if anything it takes twice as many to take you down as the pirates, and are you sure you're not playing on hard cause that is the only difficulty level where you even come close to being taken down with the same amount of shots as them.
Now the person that said that he was goin around like spiderman, thats just ridiculous and I would say that you would be surprised by what a semi-athletic person could acomplish under pressure.
So when I started playing the demo the cover system did seem to be difficult to get to work right but as you play it more it will start to bear much better results as it has with me. Yeah the firing with the pisol and machine gun do seem to sometimes trail off from their intended targets but i feel its more with a problem with the crosshair than the games fault.
Also i did not find the gameplay repetitive as I have played the demo over and over again there was something that wowed me every single time and most recently I found out in the first area if they do not see you you can sneak up and kill 3 or 4 of them by breaking their necks before they see you and start shooting.
And lets not forget that the demo didn't have a lick of the great pulp story we were promised so i wouldn't go as far as to say the games a flop or not good at all and some game just aren't for everyone it seems.
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