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Defenitly there's got be a new "Jak and dexter",why?
simple being a great title for Ps2 , the entrence to the next gen(ps3) is at hand, if in ps2 it was vas world to explore, since car races to shooting, melee fight , dark eco, light eco, all theses elemetns brouhg great varienty to the game, in the Ps3 theese elemnets can be mojor improve and more can bee added, thanks to be the Ps3 engine, the wolrd can be far, far bigger and theres alont to be explore them
they are probably working hard on Uncharted2, but they could have another small team working slowly on Jak4.... I think the PS3 needs a good game like Jak4... i surely would love playing the game...
My friend, if anything is happening it's the exact opposite. Also ND is not big enough to spilt in to 2.they are probably working hard on Uncharted2, but they could have another small team working slowly on Jak4.... I think the PS3 needs a good game like Jak4... i surely would love playing the game...
They are working on a new Jak and Daxter (WHICH IS NOT JAK 4), and they MAYBE have a small team working on some concepts for Uncharted 2. But after being a ND fan since...well ever, I know they like to focus their hearts and minds to a single project. So J&D is on the works!
I was hoping more along hte lines of a new Sly Cooper....gorilazandgames
Sly was developed by Sucker Punch, who are currently making inFamous. It looks wicked, you should check it out.
I said it before, if they don't give me a jak and daxter game soon im going to start a riotDanteSuikoden
I'm still right there with you man. Lets call our own bluff and just throw a s*** fit.
they will probably do the same thing Insomniac is doing, make 1 of their 2 big titles each year.
Insomniac is going to trade off between Resistance and Ratchet and Clank.
Naughty Dog will probably switch off between Uncharted and J&D
I was hoping more along hte lines of a new Sly Cooper....gorilazandgames
There we go. Yeah I would love a new Sly game, those were a lot of fun.
Big Jak and Daxter fan. Hope they announce it!
Screw Uncharted 2 I want Jak and Daxter 4
so true
I think some news will come because earlyer this year Noughty dog bought the jak4 website , read about it on some websites.. so i guess it must be under development,ExTrazz-SeWICX
Anyone got a source on this?
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