1) It's the Joan of Arc story told with a fantasy twist.
2) The battle system is similar to Final fantasy Tactics, however it employs a 'Transformation' skill that certain characters can perform that allows them to fight as long as they kill enemies, its very fun and makes for quick battles. The only downside I have about the system is the lack of explaination on a few key points, for instance Luck (which doesn't have a visable numeric value) plays a huge role in how you attack. When you go to attack you are given a percentage to strike (similar to FFT) however unlike FFT it doesn't tell you all the factors (for instance in FFT you had to take into consideration your gender and sign, in this one there's an oddball veriable that makes attacks of 99% miss often enough to be questionable, and 5% hit oddly more than it should) Its still very fun and easy to get into.
3) The game has 35 plot missions and something like 10 extra missions + an arena. Its supposed to last around 30 hours or so...can't recall how long I played it for.
4) If you like srpgs you'll love this game. Its got a great story, decent voice actors ( I KNOW its crazy right?) decent loadtimes and a slew of goodies and fun to be had by all. Its not as grandeoise as FFT but its still a rocking good time.
Good luck.
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