So i've been thinking, JRPGs are really dead or japanese companies just got hit with a brick in their heads? Ok FFXIII was okay, FFXIII-2 was alot better but nowhere near as good as its predecessors. Just now i'm getting again this unforgiving game called Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter and playing Breath of Fire 3 on PSP, because theres just no JRPG games anymore, a few but not one inch close to enternaining as PS1 and PS2. Ah the nostalgia. So capcom capcom went western now and released Dragon's Dogma huh? Fantastic, a japanese company with identity crisis. Please just do what you used to do, was much better. They just can't take their old franchises that were really hits like BoF3 or 4 and turn into something new and better? Sure in Dogma's we can be a fine warrior that can beat dragons... In the old days we used to be a warrior that fought a dragon to save the princess.
Hey, how about being the prince and dragon at the same time and saving the princess? Sure same old story but, was it any worse from BoF1 to 4? No, just a good series dropped for the sake of... well, NOTHING! Cause the classic capcom can't do a single RPG anymore hahaha.... Seriously japanese companies, if you can't innovate, just make a turn based JRPG with turn based battles and tweaks and it'd be much better than this overfocused on graphics generation that everyone is going after. Oh wait lets develop facebook games for women and children cause they're fast and no need of any thinking, just click here and there anre you're set for facebooking for the rest of your life. Why should they support their customers that always bought their games anway.
Ok MvsC3+ were good when it got out, but got old so fast as usual. Persona 4 Arena basically makes me want to never touch MvsC again. FFXIII series were good, but its as far as JRPGs go this generation. A fire spitting dragon guy would surely change this stupid dillema. Who the hell who plays JRPG never played a BoF before? Don't know one. It's about time capcom stopped innovating lame rehashes.
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