Going to admit. I cried during the later parts of the game. Being a long time fan i was so heavily invested emotionally and so interested in discovering the conclusion that it kind of got to me.
It was both heart wrenching and spiritually uplifting at the same time. And how thick was the nostalgia going back to Shadow Moses? Truely amazing. If any game has ever blurred the line between movie and game it was MGS4.
I have honestly never felt so connected or emotionally entrenched with a character before. Some people simply wont understand how much greater this game is than the sum of it's parts.
I cannot say it was my favorite game of all time or even of the series and its definitely not the best i have ever played. It just hits me in unexplainable ways that i really cant quanitify with words. Anything i try to write here will fail to fully explain it or do it justice.
The last few hours of the game are a Tour De Force and are in my opinion, a milestone for the industry.
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