As a Cow having a 360 for about 1 1/2 years, & no PS3, it kinda sucked cuz my bro is always on it
i bought a PS3 on ebay for $300, it was supposed to be a 40gig, but it was an 80 gig! :D
Well, i finally got a PS3
And i love it
in my opinion, i like PS3 more than 360, but i dont wanna start console wars
lol, i ordered a 40gig off of ebay and the guy sent me an 80gig
My PSN ID is Faulttt, my PSN email is (idk how PSN friends lists exactly works, so sry lol)
So add me.
My aim is: Fadii911, so add me on aim also
(if you wanna gameshare with me, ill show you a way to get free money :) how u think i got the PS3? )
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