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1.It is a stealth game,but not nearly as bad as Splinter Cell.Not just hiding in shadows,but more hiding behind bozxes,shelves,etc.Faster paced also.
2.There are a few time sin the games where your just kinda running,but you get shot a couple of times and your gone.So its mostly playing it safe.
3. It does upscale them,but its not gonna look like mgs4 at all.Ps3 upscaler mainly just makes the jaggy edges smoother.
i just got all 3 MGS and i'm planning on catching up to the metal gear story. before i start MGS for Ps1. i have a few questions
-is the stealth action really boring like SplinterCell, thats one thing i hated. the gameplay and setting was boring.
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
-does the ps3 upscale MGS and MGS2 alot?
-is the stealth action really boring like SplinterCell, thats one thing i hated. the gameplay and setting was boring.
I cant say I've played Splinter Cell but personally I found the gameplay in the mgs games to be quite fun, such as using dirty magazines to distract guards or hiding in a cardboard box etc. The settings are good too especially in mgs3, the other 2 are indoor infiltration type things with afew outdoor experiences but usually indoors but the settings are still cool, you can hide in lockers and stuff etc.... I cant really say if the setting is good or not depends on you the player.
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
Yep there sure is, and its pretty damn fun when you reach them parts of the games. So yeah in short this game does allow you to go all out guns blazing in some parts which is part of the story.
-does the ps3 upscale MGS and MGS2 alot?
Yep the PS3 can upscale MGS and MGS2 and even MGS3 if you like... dont know what you mean by "alot" tho... but it does upscale like it would a normal DVD.
thanks, i heard MGS and MGS2 show you alot of non-lethal guns such as tranqs. but you dont use alot of lethal weapons. is that true?Screamin_EaGLes
Also play the games in the intended order. Really MGS3 comes first in the time line. Then play MGS and MGS2.
after i play MGS3, wouldnt i see a big graphic loss when i go back to MGS1?Screamin_EaGLes
You definitely will. Not just graphically but also the control. In MGS 1, the control is kinda simple when compared to MGS3.
My advice is, start with MGS1 then 2 then 3.
[QUOTE="Screamin_EaGLes"]after i play MGS3, wouldnt i see a big graphic loss when i go back to MGS1?Thomas-Crown
You definitely will. Not just graphically but also the control. In MGS 1, the control is kinda simple when compared to MGS3.
My advice is, start with MGS1 then 2 then 3.
MGS is waaaaayy less stealthy than SC.
In MGS (depending on difficulty) you can choose the stealth way or you can just run out and shoot/knife enemies down.
Definitely play them in order 1, 2, 3 whoever said otherwise obviously does not understand story presentation. The most impacting moments of MGS3 wont make any sense if you play it first. Basically after playing 1 and 2, 3 will give you insight into things the previous games only hinted to.
Also MGS gameplay is what you make it for the most part. MGS1 puts you in the most "must be stealthy situations" but gives some big guns and action as well. MGS2 starts to give a little more freestyle play once you acquire the right weapons, and MGS3 gives you wealth of freedom in terms of how to handle situations. All the games have a great balance of stealth and action, and you will probably play them more than once.
Also play the games in the intended order. Really MGS3 comes first in the time line. Then play MGS and MGS2.
I don't know about that...there are things in MGS3 that if you played the first two before that, made you go "oooohhhh". I don't wanna spoil, but you should get the picture.
I say play MGS1 first because it's an all-time classic and my favorite in the entire series.
i got subsistence but i really hate 2D games.Screamin_EaGLes
in that case just start off with MGS1 then
Play them in the order they released:
Going to MGS after playing 2 or 3 would be like riding a Huffy beach-cruiser after learning to ride a Kawasaki Ninja.
The game order in which the events happen chronologically in the Metal Gear series are as follows:
i just got all 3 MGS and i'm planning on catching up to the metal gear story. before i start MGS for Ps1. i have a few questions
-is the stealth action really boring like SplinterCell, thats one thing i hated. the gameplay and setting was boring.
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
-does the ps3 upscale MGS and MGS2 alot?
was the first game that had the "peek around the corner" move, after that everyone else copied it.
you can be stealth and save health for boss battles, or you can be gun-ho however they call their buddies and in some boards you just die.
In MGS2 if you set it to hard if you are seen it's OVER!!!
I like MGS2 the most , all MGS's have great boss battles. The gameplay isn't boring abd the cut scenes are rewarding and carry the story. I didnt play MGS3 cause I'm an idiot however the order of them goes MGS3 then MGS then MGS2 then MGS4 so really I haven't missed too much.
The game order in which the events happen chronologically in the Metal Gear series are as follows:
If you're just playing the Metal Gear Solid games, play MGS, MGS2, and then MGS3. MGS3 takes place a lot longer in the past than the first MGS. "Naked Snake" (or "Big Boss") in MGS3 is NOT "Solid Snake." They are both codenames, and the fact that the voices sound exactly the same are purely coincidence, since they have no relation.
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
- Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
- Metal Gear
- Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
- Metal Gear Solid / Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (remake of MGS)
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
[QUOTE="djHaQ"]The game order in which the events happen chronologically in the Metal Gear series are as follows:
If you're just playing the Metal Gear Solid games, play MGS, MGS2, and then MGS3. MGS3 takes place a lot longer in the past than the first MGS. "Naked Snake" (or "Big Boss") in MGS3 is NOT "Solid Snake." They are both codenames, and the fact that the voices sound exactly the same are purely coincidence, since they have no relation.
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
- Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
- Metal Gear
- Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
- Metal Gear Solid / Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (remake of MGS)
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
i just got all 3 MGS and i'm planning on catching up to the metal gear story. before i start MGS for Ps1. i have a few questions
-is the stealth action really boring like SplinterCell, thats one thing i hated. the gameplay and setting was boring.
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
-does the ps3 upscale MGS and MGS2 alot?
-is the stealth action really boring like SplinterCell, thats one thing i hated. the gameplay and setting was boring.
In MGS for the PS you will find less action and more stealth though you can hit the crap out of almost everyone, except for the parts that are stealth alone. MGS2 and MGS3 give you more freedom, and will let you make almost the entire game at your pace, be it pure action, stealth, or a mix.
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
Yes, in some parts you will have to kill everyone around, in the same way, in some parts you will have to avoid detection. be ware that since MGS2, guards have an smarter AI and will look for traces of you, such as footsteps, sounds etc.
-does the ps3 upscale MGS and MGS2 alot?
No. It does clean them up a bit but dont expect anything WOW!
[QUOTE="Screamin_EaGLes"]i just got all 3 MGS and i'm planning on catching up to the metal gear story. before i start MGS for Ps1. i have a few questions
-is the stealth action really boring like SplinterCell, thats one thing i hated. the gameplay and setting was boring.
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
-does the ps3 upscale MGS and MGS2 alot?
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
No. It does clean them up a bit but dont expect anything WOW!
Um, yes there are. All I'll say is, without spoiling anything--comm tower, freight elevator, tanker holds, arsenal...get me?
[QUOTE="kenshinhimura16"][QUOTE="Screamin_EaGLes"]i just got all 3 MGS and i'm planning on catching up to the metal gear story. before i start MGS for Ps1. i have a few questions
-is the stealth action really boring like SplinterCell, thats one thing i hated. the gameplay and setting was boring.
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
-does the ps3 upscale MGS and MGS2 alot?
-are there any action levels where detection doesnt matter, you just kill the enemies?
No. It does clean them up a bit but dont expect anything WOW!
Um, yes there are. All I'll say is, without spoiling anything--comm tower, freight elevator, tanker holds, arsenal...get me?
Upps, the paste and copy worked against me lol, gonna change it now XD
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