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Grand Theft Auto 4, Call of Duty 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted, Resistance, Warhark, Burnout Paradise.
what he said and for games coming out if you like shooters get socom:confrontation and resistance2. if you like racing motorstorm pacific rift, midnight club la or need for speed also definetley look into LBP. I know i am missing some games but those are some good ones.
There are loads of great games out at the moment bro, and many more coming out soon.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots is incredible, one of the best games I have ever played.
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is the best FPS I have ever played, and is brilliant online.
Grand Theft Auto IV is amazing, a huge open world to mess about in. Brilliant offline and online.
Skate is great if you like skating games, I used to be abig fan of the Tony Hawks games, but Skate beats the Tony Hawks games hands down.
Burnout: Paradise is an excellent free roaming racing game, which will keep you playing for a long time.
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune is an incredible action/adventure game with some of the best graphics I have ever seen on a console game.
There are loads of others too, but i can't be bothered listing them. :P
Also, there are loads of promising games coming out soon like Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Fallout 3, Socom: Confrontation, Far Cry 2 and some others so you may want to save some money for them.
Hope you enjoy your new PS3! :D
Now: Warhawk , Uncharted , Heavenly Sword (rent) , Rachet And Clank Future Tools Of Destruction , Resistace Fall Of Man , Motorstorm (rent) , Metal Gear Solid 4 , Call of Duty 4 , Rachet And Clank Quest For Booty ,
Upcoming : God Of War 3 , Killzone 2 , Motorstorm 2 , Little Big Planet , Resistance 2 , Home , Final Fantasy Versus , Infamous , Far Cry 2 , Call of Duty 5 , Etc....
well i have gta4 and assassins creed and mgs4 already im not a big fan of mgs4 though
thanks for the plannin on getting oblivion resident evil 5 & socom
what do u all think is the better fit for fighter Mk vs dc or street fighter4????thanks a million guys
There are loads of great games out at the moment bro, and many more coming out soon.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots is incredible, one of the best games I have ever played.
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is the best FPS I have ever played, and is brilliant online.
Grand Theft Auto IV is amazing, a huge open world to mess about in. Brilliant offline and online.
Skate is great if you like skating games, I used to be abig fan of the Tony Hawks games, but Skate beats the Tony Hawks games hands down.
Burnout: Paradise is an excellent free roaming racing game, which will keep you playing for a long time.
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune is an incredible action/adventure game with some of the best graphics I have ever seen on a console game.
There are loads of others too, but i can't be bothered listing them. :P
Also, there are loads of promising games coming out soon like Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Fallout 3, Socom: Confrontation, Far Cry 2 and some others so you may want to save some money for them.
Hope you enjoy your new PS3! :D
everything he said :D
It depends on what kind of fighter you are a fan of more. Most people will probably just tell you to get street fighter 4, but get what you want. I thought MK VS DC sounded dumb at first too, but once I saw that it has the old school way of fighting mixed with combos that can connect the special moves plus the fatalities. The Flash plays like Kabal in a way, so I mean even if your not of fan of comic books, it still is worth a look for an MK fan. Street Fighter just seemed to be the same as it always was only with 3d graphics. They added some cool new people, but the majority of it is still the same. It seems cool for fans. Basically, fighting games are trying to bring new players in and are there just for fan service.
I would say Ratchet and Clank, Hot Shots Golf 5, Uncharted, Resistance, Motorstorm. Warhawk, Folklore.
GTA 4!
Heavenly Sword! Six axis is well cool on this game!
Uncharted Drakes fortune!
Resistance:fall of man!
Ratchet and clank!
Singstar : ( if you got loadsa m8s who are up 4 a laugh after a few stella's!! lol can be funny)
oh and bioshock when it comes out on ps3
well i have gta4 and assassins creed and mgs4 already im not a big fan of mgs4 though
thanks for the plannin on getting oblivion resident evil 5 & socom
what do u all think is the better fit for fighter Mk vs dc or street fighter4????thanks a million guys
I dont know which will be better but Street Fighter is always the best
and what kind of games do you like to play ?
Grand Theft Auto IV
Metal Gear Solid 4
Call of Duty 4
Oblivion (if your into that sort of thing)
Madden 09 (if your into football)
Coming soon....
Resistance 2
Star Wars Unleashed
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Far Cry 2
First of all MrRazzie, I hate you. I've been looking everywhere for the 80GB but I settled with the 40 GB instead because I couldnt find it.
Secondly, welcome to the Playstation Community.
I suggest getting Call of Duty 4 hands DOWN as a first game. Online play will surely suck 40+ hours out of you. You are welcomed to add me on PSN, "Alpha-Male22".
Ultimately it depends on what you are looking for: if you are more of a single player gamer Uncharted is probably the best choice on the PS3.
If you are rather into multiplayer, then CoD4 is the King of Multiplayer at the moment.
So far I have 4 games and every game I have hasn't been able to shien a light next to CoD4.
Whatever the choice you make, congratulations on your purchase.
[QUOTE="MrRaziel11"]well i have gta4 and assassins creed and mgs4 already im not a big fan of mgs4 though
thanks for the plannin on getting oblivion resident evil 5 & socom
what do u all think is the better fit for fighter Mk vs dc or street fighter4????thanks a million guys
I dont know which will be better but Street Fighter is always the best
and what kind of games do you like to play ?
I like 3rd person shooters (socom's) hitman series
i like fighters (tekken series) street fighter mortal kombat series
I love the gta series.....not a big fan of mgs series the legacy of kain series soul reaver.....i like a little bit of everything but not that big on racing.....what do you like???
lol thanks....where i live they have loads of all the different types of the models of PS3.........with no sight of shortage of any of them...
Hey Just Got 80 Gig Bc...........Any Ideas on upcoming games and ones already out That I Should Purchase???MrRaziel11
MGS4, GTA4, Devil May Cry 4, COD4, Ratchet and Clank Future, Uncharted, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Rainbow Six Vegas, Resistance, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Star Wars the force unleashed, Assassins Creed.
Here's my little secret Gem : Dark Sector
This game is very cheap now, as low as the greatest hits... and it's one of the most underated game out there, (well Gamespot gave it 7.5 with an average of 8.1 from users...not so underated...) if you like the way Resident Evil 4 plays (mainly the view and controls), you'll love Dark Sector. I got mine, shipping included on Ebay for 23,50$
And the greatest hit line is incredible, Warhawk, Resistance, H. Sword... and so on...
resistance 2 killzone 2 little big planetspencer_119
C'mon man, you haven't even played these games? How can you suggest them to someone? They aren't even out yet!!!
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