i just got a ps3 today. i got the 60 gb..
my first quetion is ..why do i have only 47gb freewhen its a 60 gb what is it being used for???
andquestion 2 is.
i also got the 300 moviebut im dissapointed with the picture quality of it..can i do anything to improve it ...
i have the ps3 hooked up to a 40" sony bravia 2, its connected through ahdmi cable and its set to 1080p..
when i create my playstation network account is that gona belike mygamertag ID ..(lets say i go and play resistance and then go and play rainbow six) witll it be the same gamertag ID when im playing multiplayer games.. or how does that work?????
im sorry if question 3 is confusing...
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