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i think it will probly get bad ratings for not being "unique" enough
but im still gunna play tha hell out of it
i just hope i got tha money to buy it
i wouldnt say that the first was bad. it just didnt live up to the hype that it was supposed to. i still liked it. but, i think Killzone 2 will be awesome. i really hope it lives up to the hype.jrelly101
It better be awesome with the insane amount of hype around it......hillelslovak
i think thats whats goona make it hard to get a good rating bc of the hype and if the game has 1 bad thing they gonna make a big deal out of it
yea lets hope soo and also lets hope that killzone wont be like haze if you know wat i mean
yea i was like this for haze until i played the demo..and almost cryed cuz it sucked so bad, but either way this game look 10X better than haze every did
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