I guess it all depends on what you do/don't like about shooters. I think MW2 has far superior gameplay mechanics but killzone 2 has better graphics, atmosphere, and the single player is a lot longer, though not really much better in terms of story or anything.
Killzone 2 just has very slow and non-responsive gameplay. It's suppossed to better represent the weight of carrying a gun but it just makes it feel sloppy and sluggish in most ways, which is what kept the game from being all that great for me.
The online maps are really good and the different classes are fun to level up and unlock badges. I just couldn't get past the poor controls and stopped playing online after I unlocked everything.
The single player is good but nothing really changes and it gets kinda' stale by the end of the game. On a technical level though it's very impressive and it does have moments where the game shines.
you didnt unlock rank commander in cheif so you didnt unlock everything ;)
Well stated! I agree with the noob auto aim, I have always hated that crap, it ruins the skill necessary for the game. As for Killzone, I have played it, and I did manage to get use to the aiming system. Also, I enjoy the sluggish feeling of weight due to the armor and guns in the game. It's more realistic in my opinion. Compared to MW2 when you running like nothing while carrying an M240. you know! Thanks for all the info though guys, I will definitely pick up Killzone 2!
OK going by the "noob auto aim" comment it's easy to see your attitude and why your topic was pointless in the first place.
I "got used to" the aiming system as well in Killzone 2 and no matter how well I did, it didn't fix the fact that the game was just so slow. But i think the lack of weapon variety is what really killed Killzone 2 for me more than anything. If they came out with a patch the added a lot more variety to the weapons you could use, it would probably add a lot to the game.
I think so many people had a bad reaction to Killzone 2's gameplay simply b/c "arcade noob" controls are simply more fun. Realistic doesn't equal fun in most games and Killzone 2 seems to be one of them for me.
I do evny you guys though for liking Killzone 2 so much as I loved the graphics and online maps were very well designed. I put it in and play it every now and then, but I just can't get excited about the game. The movement is just too sluggish and for whatever reason I simply cannot get past how much it kills the intensity of the whole online shooter experience.
But I think Rainbow Six is a lot more fun than CoD or Killzone anyhow so it's all personal taste...
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