right, so i have 45 bucks for new game(sweet!) and my top choices were killzone or the new Pulse. Infrastructure is in both games, but im not sure if many ppl are on the killzone one, cuz most ppl havent downloaded it. Pulse looks interesting because i have never played combat racing. which should i get? If any of you guys have an opinion on a better game, just write it out. thanks.
killzones a fun game so if u have to choose between the 2 choose pule. but i would reccomend to get mgs portable ops or get god of war coo. or if ur patient like me wait for ff7 cc.
Killzone:liberation bc it's an excellent game but so is pulse. Damn it's good to own a psp especially this month with Pulse, GoW:CoO, Patapon, and Crisis Core add to that I still have to go pick up Logan's Shadow.
If you get killzone, get it from Wal-mart. I've been to two different ones and they both had it for $20, and I don't think it was a sale or anything special.
ive played Pure so im assuming Pulse is the same but a bit better. anyways u should get killzone. the online is fun and there are still a good amount of people online.
Out of those two I'd say Killzone, but only because I played the demo of it. I would say GoW though if you don't particularily mind a short game. I know I'm going to love it.
THanks guys, eventually ima get both, but i only have the money for one. i think im going to get pulse cuz i already have socom and a large supply of shooters in my collection.
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